It's pretty simple.
I left Ventura for Washington after highschool had the chance to grow up, and in the process I met kaylan. We dated for what seemed like a lifetime (six years) and got married in November of 2005 in Ventura. It was perfect! He is all my dreams come true! Even when I am so embarasing and he has to grab my leg under the table because I am being to loud he loves me! It is a wonderful thing!!! I have been working at Starbucks for the past seven years and am currently a MANAGER! All the hard work has paid off... and I love everything about my job, the annoying customers the never ending drama that comes with all the people and the caos of trying to manage it all. It fits me perfect most days, but on the other days I want to scream and tell all the annoying people to F-OFFwhateverlife was here wl12