I was born about three and a half years a ago... as a backyard circus, in Bellingham, WA. I consist of a 60 foot tent that seats about 150 people. There are on average about 15 or 20 motivated cast members who bring talent and magic to the stage. Since my birth, I have had 47 shows under my tent... most of them being sold out!
Most Importantly, what you should know is that I am the result of a genius experiment. The story behind me is that of a MAD SCIENTIST... Mad enough to build a circus in two weeks, one in which Dr. Ludo Hoppenschiptz, could test out his fantastic DREAM MACHINE....
The Dream Machine is an evolved technology that taps into a person's sub-conscious and extracts a dream, displaying it on stage. In the beginning of the experimental stages of the Dream Machine, Dr Ludo Hopenshiptz was concerned that he would be extracting a dream and the dreamer would be left without. HOWEVER, The opposite effect seemed to happen...
The people who came to his laboratory, had their dreams extracted and saw other peoples dreams.... leaving the spectacle with EXTRAORDINARILY VAST VISIONS and were INSPIRED TO DREAM, and
So who am I?
I am a platform for community. A solid base that supports the dreams of the dreamers and the believers. I give opportunity to performing artist and bring the performing arts to the main stream and underground worlds.
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