Commonly known as "D.G," Dakarai Gwitira is a young up and coming producer with a great studio vibe and musical talent. Because he was raised in Africa, Dakarai has a great appreciation for all types of music and has seen things that have turned him into a humble young man. Being an only child for sixteen years of his life, Dakarai was exposed to many potential careers. Dakarai's first interest in music was sparked by a pastor who played piano at The House of God, a church Dakarai and his mother attended in Zimbabwe. It all began when the pastor taught Dakarai a few cords and Dakarai got them in a matter of minutes. The weekend that followed, Dakarai played a song in the church and blew everyone away. Dakarai's production skills are beyond imaginable. At only 17 years old, Dakarai's productions reach those of top producers. Not only producing hip hop or rap, Dakarai produces music for local churches as well. Not to mention his intellectual skills, Dakarai is a very good public speaker and does not crack under pressure. Dakarai has worked with underground artist like Lil tayt, Junior Doc, Yung Tee, and others alike. Dakarai's dream is to have a huge music festival in Zimbabwe and to bring hope to it's people. Dakarai stated, "those are my people and i remember seeing their dreams fade away right infront of me." Such humble words coming from a young man who does not only think about himself, but of a whole country and its people. Even though young, Dakarai's knowledge and skills are beyond his years. Dakarai is yet to get a big break in his music career but when it comes, the whole world will know because of the joy his music brings.****Dakarai is open to business with anyone and is very open minded about tips, compliments, and bad feedback alike.****Email [email protected] with any questions, comment, tips , or anything you think will help Dakarai's career****Spread the word about this talented young man so his dreams may come true****THE BEATS ON THE WEBSITE ARE ONLY THE TIP OF THE ICEBURG..****Email for the good stuff****THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT****
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