Generate your own contact table!
Generate your own contact table!
Well, I've already met everyone in Oregon and Washington. Next week I'm starting on California.
Lightening is gonna strike me for mentioning all these in the same sentence, but... Level 42 (Mark King is the best bass player in the world. FACT.), Van Hagar, Brandi Carlile, Ani DiFranco, Nickel Creek, Clapton, Rich Mullins, Mike Hohnholz and Pat Tetreault (are you guys reading this?), I-Nine, Nelissa Ferrick, Keith Green, Josh Kelley, Peter Gabriel, Seal, Evanescence, and the list goes on...
Anything that's an escape from reality. I deal with enuf drama in the real world that I don't need to see movies about other peoples problems. I wanna see car chases, spaceships, and Gnomes...
OK, in direct contradiction to the above, I'm hooked on "reality" shows. Gimme a show where every five seconds I'm saying to myself, "Who does that?", and I'm hooked.
Fiction (see also my stance on movies): Robert Jordan, C.S. Lewis, JRR Tolkien, Terry Brooks, Terry Goodkind, George R. R. Martin Non-Fiction: No. Having said that, Philip Yancey, Warren Wiersbe, La Biblia (NASB version), and everything my Dad wrote (google "Ron Mehl").
Actors who realize they're not politicians. Politicians who realize they're not actors.