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About Me

Adarryl (SKEEZ) Harding, Gospel Rap/Holy Hip-Hop Recording Artist, was born April 20, 1977 in Wilmington, DE. The oldest of 10 siblings, Adaryl grew-up on Wilmington’s Westside. At an early age he had quite a love for music and began to write rap lyrics when he was in the fifth-grade. As he grew older he gravitated toward the music of such rap artists as Nasty Nas, Tupac, Gangster and Brand Nubian, which subsequently led to him trying to line-up with and mimic these rappers from the streets and begin to smoke marijuana. Doors started opening for him to perform at various events and Skeez’ name began to spread throughout the state of Delaware. He performed at shows featuring such well-known secular artists as Doug E. Fresh, Fatal (from The Outlaws, which was Tupac’s group) and many others. As he became absorbed into the rap culture, not only did he smoke marijuana, he started drinking alcohol and selling drugs.
In 1997 Adarryl was arrested and sent to prison on a drug charge. This proved to be a turning point in his life. For, as he sat in his cell, the Lord began to speak to him saying, “Son, you’ve tried the street life and it got you in jail NOW TRY ME!” He began praying for forgiveness and told the Lord, “If you just get me out Lord, I wont do it again!” And God did just that! The judge placed him in a drug and alcohol program for eight months and at the end of that time-period he graduated. As the Lord continued to move in his life he met a Christian brother named Fred Reed and a Christian sister named Cora Hynson, who took him to Temple United Church in Wilmington where Bishop John T. Graham is the Pastor. It was there, in the summer of 1997 that Adarryl “Skeez” Harding gave his life to the Lord and has been born-again ever since! As he continued to attend church and study the Word of God under Bishop Graham’s leadership and guidance, he became more-and-more rooted and grounded. However, with his continued spiritual growth, he maintained a burning desire to rap, only now he wanted to rap the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
One night while staying over at the home of his friend Fred, the Lord woke him up at 5:00 a.m. And as he sat at the table the Lord began to give him lyrics with a chorus and three verses that would become his first gospel rap, entitled "The Last Dayz." It only took fifteen minutes to write, and not long afterwards, one Sunday is he testified at church, the anointing of God fell upon him and he began to rap the lyrics of The Last Dayz as the entire congregation rejoiced! Following that experience, Bishop Graham was invited to preach in Atlanta, GA and took Adarryl with him. At one of the services, Bishop called him to the pulpit to minister his gospel rap prior to his preaching; and when Adarryl looked out into the congregation and saw everyone shouting and praising God, it was at that very moment he knew God had called him to rap the Gospel, even though people said that he wasn’t rapping, he was PREACHING!!!
As time passed, God continued to anoint and raise-up Adarryl and he became well known throughout the state, ministering at various youth events, street ministries and midnight musicals. God blessed him in supernatural ways giving him favor with God and with men. He is featured on the album, "What Would Russell Do?" by the Russell Delegation, as well as on KingCyz’ debut album "Life or Death." He’s also featured on the track "Praize Party," by the vocal group Brothers In Unity (B.I.U.) from North Carolina, whose debut album entitled "Change" rocked the charts from coast-to-coast. As God enlarged Adarryl's territory he was blessed to minister at venues featuring such well-known gospel recording artists as Trin-I-tee 5:7, Michelle Williams, Tonex and Tye Tribbett & G.A.
The year 2007, however, proved to be another turning point in his life. It was then that Skeez, now known as Minister A.J. Harding, was led of God to become a covenant member of Praise to the King Ministries, Inc. (PTKM). a Five-Fold Ministry under the leadership of Pastor Wayne and Apostle Nailah B. Gilliam. This kingdom-minded, Apostolic couple have been very instrumental in furthering Minister Harding’s spiritual growth and knowledge of the Word of God, while equipping him for deployment into his Pastoral call. He thanks God for his Leaders because they came into his life at a crucial time when he was dealing with “church hurt” that almost caused him to throw in the towel. They recognized the anointing of God in and on his life and ever since that time, through the leading of Holy Spirit and the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, have nursed Skeez back to spiritual health at the M.A.S.H. Unit (Ministerial Army Spiritual Hospital) also known as PTKM. Minister Harding serves as Director of PTKM’s Son’s of Issachar (S.O.I.) Men’s Fellowship, which through his leadership is strengthening the lives of men through bible study, fellowship and mutual accountability. In one of his raps Skeez clearly states that, “God delivered me from the hand of the enemy, Brought me out of bondage and He set my soul free. What He’s done for me, He can do for you, Keep it real with the Lord, He’ll keep it real with you.”
The vision that God initially revealed to Adarryl was to minister the gospel through Gospel Rap/Holy Hip-Hop to impact the lives of those who don’t know Christ and compel them to receive Him as Savior and Lord. However, his preaching of the Gospel has proven to be as powerful, if not more so, then his Gospel rapping. This prolific prayer warrior is becoming a much sought-after preacher, who flows accurately in the prophetic. He wants his ministry to edify the people of God, win souls for the Kingdom of God and be an example and role model for people of all ages everywhere as he shares the truth that Jesus loves them and that Christ is the only way!
AND NOW THE WAIT IS FINALLY OVER!!!! Skeez’ debut album, entitled "From Every Angle" was released in June 2008! The album includes banging beats, awesome producers and mind-blowing collaborations. The title, From Every Angle, is simply Skeez becoming all things to all men that he may win some to Christ. It is all about ministry that will bring healing, deliverance, restoration and salvation to those who will hear what the spirit has to say to the church. It will minister to both the young as well as the young-at-heart with a universal message that will impact the lives of both the saved and the unsaved. God is using Skeez to go to the nations and take Gospel Hip-Hop to another level. And since God is no respecter of persons, He will send His Word from every angle to save that, which was lost!

My Interests


Member Since: 7/25/2006
Band Website: [email protected]
Band Members: Lord Dig Me Up!

Influences: JESUS who is my everything and the air that I breathe, Bishop TD Jakes, Noel Jones, object width="500" height="500" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
Sounds Like: like myself
Type of Label: Major

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Booking Information

To book  Elder A.J Harding aka Skeez Gospel Rap Recording Artist for any preaching or music event or service contact his email: [email protected] or you can call 302...
Posted by on Thu, 29 May 2008 06:41:00 GMT