Aaron profile picture


Today will be yesterday in 24hrs so enjoy today as it will be only a memory soon!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

EVERYONE!!!! I would love to meet YOU!!! I love to party on the weekends and just throw down and have fun. Theres nothing better that falling off your chair laughing uncontrolably!!!! The responsibilities of the week can stay there cause the weekend is mine!!!


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I dont have a ton of time to watch TV but At 3am my options are pretty limited. Good old Jerry Springer is allways there for some entertainment...deal of no deal..24..csi..pretty much anything but soap operas-theres enough drama in my life why would i want to watch it on TV when i am trying to relax.


Name? Nicknames?: bobble
Birth date?: 01/21/83
Do you have any siblings? Do you get along with them?: yes/yes
What are you wearing right now?: Ummm...wouldnt you like to know :(
Who do you live with?: A roomate and my GF
Do you have any pets?: no
What's your favorite food?: mmm...porkchop in a can
Hey slacker, what's your G.P.A.?: cant remember like 3.4 or so
What was your major?: auto service tech, but i quit that career
Is your room messy or clean right now?: not to bad
What's your favorite alcoholic drink?: mich golded light
What's your favorite non-alcoholic drink?: pepsi
How do you feel about cigarette smoking?: OK
If you don't recognize the number on your caller ID, do you answer?: most the time
How many speeding tickets have you recieved?: 1
What's your favorite clothing store?: whatever
Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? What is it?: no
When was the last time you were on a diet?: never
Once you're finished with school, what will your profession be?: dont know i want to do something different already
What is a long term goal of yours? short term?: pay off all my debt
What is your favorite type of fast food?: mcD's
Have you ever truly been in love?: yes, several times!
What kind of car do you drive?: DODGE truck
Where did you go on your funnest vacation?: drag racing
What's your favorite holiday?: new years
What is your favorite sport to watch? to play?: pretty game for anything
Where did/will you go for your 21st birthday?: out with friends for awhile then ice fishing(we all know thats just a good reason to get plastered!!!)
Do you usually get ready for class or just wear sweats?: get ready...maybe!
Would you rather go to a club to dance or a sit-down bar?: sit-down bar-but do both
How many car accidents have you been in? How many were your fault?: 1-0
Have you ever tried chewing tobacco?: once and it was not for me
Who was the last person you spoke on the telephone with?: brother (best friend of to many years to count)
Do you chew on the straw?: sometimes
What are you listening to right now?: the air conditioner
What star/celebrity do most people say you resemble?: ????????
When was the last time you recieved mail other than junk mail and bills?: dont know?
What brand of tennis shoes do you prefer?: whatevers comfortable
What did you dress up as last Halloween?: Yup...it was last min. and the only thing the stores had left was a cinvict outfit.
What brand of shampoo and conditioner do you use?: watevers on sale
Who was the last person you said "I love you" to?: My GF...She's pretty good shit!
What do you have on your bedroom walls?: posters of race cars,family,friends and parties
What was the last movie you saw in the theater? Was it good?: dont remember
About how many friends from high school do you still talk to?: allot
What are you biggest peeves?: people that drive really..really stupid!!!!
Are your parents still together?: No...not for years
What is your favorite color?: Blue-most the time....
What sports did you play in high school?: none
Are you a lover or a fighter?: both
Do you read the Bible?: rarely
Do you like to go camping?: not to much but every once in awhile with the right company
I know you don't like books, so what is your favorite magazine?: playboy,turbo and mini'truckin
Do you keep a journal?: no
What's your favorite animal?: siberian tiger
When is the last time you puked?: a long time ago-tum..tum of steel!!
Have you ever broken any bones?: yes
Can you drive a stick-shift car?: Theres anything else?
Who is your favorite actor/actress?: depends
Do you wear a lot of jewelry?: no
What kind of underwear are you wearing right now?: really sweat one's
What cologne/perfume do you wear?: depends on mood
Wal-Mart or Target?: wally world.....duh..They have everything!!
Do you have a girlfriend? Yes
What size bed do you have in your room?: Queen
What food can you absolutely not stand to eat?: seafood
Are you more like your mom or your dad?: dad
Do you floss your teeth?: occasionally
Who is your BFF (best friend forever)?: several to chose from
How long was your longest relationship?: 3 years
Why did it end?: BS
Do you snore (don't lie!)? Steal the covers? Roll around in your sleep?: dont usually move much unless someone steals my covers,I hear i snore when sleeping on my back?!?
Are you outgoing, or do you keep to yourself most of the time?: I will pretty much talk to anyone just about anywhere. Why not?
Do you smile with your teeth when getting your picture taken?: sometimes, if i want to be in the picture
What is your main ring tone on your phone?: depends on who's calling
When is the last time you worked out?: couple of years ago
Who is your favorite professional athlete?: john force(nhra) or Tony stewart(nascar)
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?: dont remember
Do you know how to sew?: actually yes
About how many pairs of jeans do you own?: 15-20 havent counted
Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?: both
Have you ever been to the stripclub?: yes
What was the last shot you took? When was this?: jeger-bomb's(my favorite)
What are your bad habits?: dont know probably smoking
Have you ever been fired from a job?: No
What was the last live sporting event you attended?: Nascar cup race in michigan
Do you consider yourself to be religious?: i have beliefs but not religious
Have you ever ridden in an ambulence?: yes
Did you ever wear braces?: no
Are you artistic/creative?: a little
What kind of mood are you in right now?: Normal
What time is it?: 6:45pm
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I was thinking a couple of weeks back about life and how it really sucks the big one some times and came up with this fun little saying/quote whatever off the top of my head when a friend of mine was ...
Posted by Aaron on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 06:45:00 PST