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i heArT u @+*1*+@ NuMber 1 oNe

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hoLy sHiTt!! i dRastiCalLy nEedEd taH chaNge thiS thiNg!! oMg!! weLpPss,, abOuT mEeh,, i'M 18.. uR tyPicaL fiLipiNa!! oR mAybE noT!! i haV muY mOMenTs? i Myspace Graphics
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muY baBy!! shuPpiN,, haNgiN ouT,, waTchiN moVies!! i LuV reAdiNg muY muShy RomANtiC noVels!! i kaNt reAd neThiN thaT i knOW iSs noT a LuV sToRY!!? ahM heLlA weiRd lyK thaT!! chyEah!! i luuvE hoLidAys.. biRthdAys n xPeshuLLy chRisTMas!! N i LuVe aPpLyiN feR jobSs.. n nVr geTtiNg aCcePted OR NoTt goiN taH muY iNterviEws!! thaT heLLa suX!! LMFAO=! oOOoOoohHhHh yEsSss!! i 33 baBy siTtiNg juLiA!! sheEh's soO hekkA adoRaBLe!!

I'd like to meet:

hueVA! doN't maTter! i geT aLoNg pRetTy weLl wiT peOpLe! coS ahM fRieNdLy!!=Ooo!


ioNo.. ahM pReeTey MUch iNN taH NeThiN....xPeShuLLy roCk... buT i LOVE NINA! PAroKya Ni eDgaR! iNcuBus aHhaH bRaNdoN boYd!! eVAnescENce[yoU,bRokeN], pCd! dEyR soO hoTt!! i LyK d oLdiEs!! Lyk aTLaNtiC sTaR.. aiR suPpLy, chiCago, eArth wiNd n fiRe!! aHahahh!!! pRoLi coS oF muY MoM? 33 goO GoO doLls=iRis=,, i eFfiN LoVe pHareLl!,, boysIImeN! ahHhahah!! daNG! thiSs iSs makiN meEH laFf!!=3!iTt oL dePeNds oN mY mOoD i guEsS!


pRidE N pRejuDiCe! LakE houSe! wiMbLedoN, sWeeT noVembEr, 2 weEk's noTiCe, mS. coNgeniALiTy n d 2nD oNe, reSideNt eViL, toRquE-guy wuSs soO hoTt, sEreNdiPity, uNderwoRLd N d eVoLutioN wuN toO, pHantoM oF d oPerA, haRoLd n kuMar.. neThiNg MOStLy fuNNy N heLla duMb! MuLan, LiL meRmaiD, diSNeY! iOno aLoT i guEss.. ANASTASIA!!!! feVer piTch, noTtiNg hiLL, eLektRa, THE NOTEBOOK, meSsage iN a boTtLe, citY of aNgeLs, a waLk to reMembeR, neVer bEeN kiSsed, eVer aFteR, kiNg anD i, kiNg aNd me, pRiNce and i, heRo, cRouchiNg tigeR hiDdeN dRagoN, litTLe niCky, weDdiNg siNGer, spAngLish, waRrioR, juSs fRieNds!!! haRry poTterSs!! hoLy cRaPp!! i wAtch tOO muCh mOvieS!


!!!!!!gReY's aNatoMy!!!!!! daMn! NiP/tuCk!! ahM aDdiCted!reLaTed, pRisoN bReaK,giLmoRe giRLs, aLiaS, OC.. ... ER, CSI NY, MiAMI, LV, laW n oRdeR, LaW n oRdeR , tyTnEsS! sEx n d cIty, uHh.... mEdiuM, deSperaTe houSewiveS! ioNo wuTt eLse.. oW.. baTmaN, kiMpoSsibLe, n MTV asiA!! shAoLiN shoWdoWn!! viSioN oF eScafLowNe, wEdDiNg peaCh, this thiNg wiT 3 roBots..i foRgot,,saBer MaRioNeTte? saDLy yuYu haKuSho! cuRious pLay, sAiLor moON, n suMtyMs coNan o'bRieN.. coZ heE's soO fioNe! LoLS! thaT seXy iRish!


1oO yRz of soLitUde.. i jus lyK puTTin thaT coZ it mAkEz mEeh feEL sMarT n OL dAt!! hMmMm NOTT!! ahaHhahah!! uNtiL u, whiTneY my LuV, RemEmbeR whEn, kiNGdoM oF dReaMs, sUmThiNg woNdeRfuL, pErfect, paRadisE, aLmoSt heAveN, OnCe n OLways, giFt of LuV, hoLidAy oF LuV, LeGeNd, thE deCeptioN, thE pReteNdeRs, sWeEt LiAr, hiGh tide, GoLdeN tiDe, RiVaL aTtraCtioNs, The hEiReSs, thE dUcheSs, miSchieF, pEtaLs on d RiVer, eLusiVe fLaMe, a knIghT in shIniNg aRmour, veLveT pRomiSe, hiGhLanD veLveT, veLveT soNg, veLveT aNgeL, thE teMptreSs, thE noTebOok, thE reScuE, the mAn neXt doOR, thE coNquESt, thE taMiNg, thE suMmeRhouSe, a waLk to reMember, haRry PoTter n the sOrcereR's sToNe, HPnT chAmbeR of secreTs, pRisoNeR oF aZkaBaN, thE goBLeT oF fiRe, oRdeR oF the pHoeNix, tWiN oF fiRe, twiN oF iCe, EmMa, thE tiMe of the buTtherFLieS, tO kiLL a moCkiNgbiRd, the fLiRt, the kLoNe, saNds oF tiMe, viTToRio d vaMpire, reMemBraNce, teMptaTioN, MouNtaiN LauReL, NIghT whiSpeRs, Jade iSLaD, JeSse"s LadY, thE wiTch oF blacKbeRry poNd, sToLeN kiSseS, hOT suMmeR niGhTs, d iNviTatioN, thE maiDeN, cuPid n diAna, beWitChing, eTerNity, face the fiRe LoRd of thE fLieES(eWeRsS) aN anGeL foR eMiLy, aWakeNIng, uPoN a midNighT cLeaR, foReveR, thE caTcheR iN thE rYe, foR the rOseS, thE cLayboRnE brIdeS, coMe d sPriNg, wisHes, a RosE iN wiNter, reAp thE wiNd, pRincE chaRmiNG, thE bLeSsiNG, fiNaL taRgeT the RaNsOm, RosEhaVen, sAvinG gRace, thE seCret, thE giFt, MeRcy, LoSt ladY, riVeR Lady, coUntErfeiT laDy, MuLbuRry tReE, aSheS iN the WiNd, pEaRL coVe, thE raiDer, thE pRizE, LoVe mE foReveR, heArt oF a waRrioR, thE heiR, thE wiNd daNceR, thE scArLet leTter, muCh aDo abOUt noThinG, a LoVinG scOundReL, teNdEr tRiuMpH, thE priNceSs, dOuBLe staNdaRdS, seCreT fiRe, yOu beLonG tO mE, thE seCreT LiFe oF beEs, caStLes, swEetbRiaR, dReaMinG oF u, the magic of you, silver angel, dReAmiNg, d aToNemEnt, aGe oF iNnoCeNce, saY u LoVe mE, hoLLy, aMbeR....LoVe oNly oNce, geNtLe roGue, aNgeL, a haNdmaiD's taLe, thiS sidE of paRadise, a stRaNger iN my aRms.. d daViNci coDe, N daMn RiOoTe haRry poTter n d haLf-bLoOd pRiNce!! i fukKeN LuVd iTt!! aWw ahM suCh a LoSeRr!! cAroLiNa isLE, LuV iN d tyM of choLerA, ReMembRaNce, a DeViL iN wiNter, d preSeNt, theN caME u...maRriaGe moSt sCaNdaLouS, hoW to mArRy a MarquiS, fIrsT iMpRessIoNs...


mY faMiLy! gG, Mae, LeXypOo, aShLeysOULy, khRis! n muY baybee! aNa, jC n haRriz! saMmy n tJamoN n bRadLey!

My Blog

An aNGeL foR heR

An aNGeL foR heRIm trying to reach out for you but you just seem to drift farther awayIm trying to call your name outbut whispers of goodbye seems to methe only thing I can hearI tried not to feel any...
Posted by krisTiNa on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 08:21:00 PST

"pAra sayO"

lumayo kana sa akinwag mo kong kausapinparang awa mo nawag kang magpapaakit sakinayoko nang masaktan kamalakas akong mambolahindi ako santo pero para sayoako'y magbabagokahit mahirapkakayanin kodahi...
Posted by krisTiNa on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 10:27:00 PST


how come i always end up getting hurt? y does the truth come out in the end? y not at the start?y does it hurt so deeply?was it because what i felt was real? u said it wus for forever but i find out t...
Posted by krisTiNa on Tue, 11 Oct 2005 07:11:00 PST

My sWede LuVeR!!=3

hoLy shiTt!! u woNt b aBLe tAh coMpaRe taH mY sWede LuVer fReDriK LjuNgbErG!! fuCk hEeh's heLLa fioNe!! siCkeSt MOTheReFfeR! hE's oNLy 11 yRs oLdEr thaN mEeh! NoTt oLd rYT? LoLS!! harharh! 28,,, uNder...
Posted by krisTiNa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My LuVs bOut guYs

¢¾guYs thaT r skiNnY buFf... noTt riLy buTt buT leAn n buFf, oR juSs skiNny! loLs! lyk harharharh!! the OnLy exCeptioNs r viN dieSeL n thE roCk!! @H@H@H@!! @guYs wiT huMoR... fuNny¢¾guYs wiT riLy loNg...
Posted by krisTiNa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

biT bouT MeEh

biT bouT mEeh[x] Name: Mara LeAnna Kristina [midDLe naMe], [laSs NaMe],,, i doNt wuNna giVe iTt ouT coZ ugLeE piPz myT caL meEh[x] Nicknames: kris, kristina, mara[x] Screen name: eYsHeEuNbYoOteE@aim[x...
Posted by krisTiNa on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST