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Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

About Me

Music has always been an influential part of the lives of both Brad Bacci and Jon "Fluky" Nadel. After meeting in the winter of 2004, they realized that their tastes in music were extremely similar, and that Brad's love for pop/acoustic music perfectly complemented that of Jon's Jazz/Blues style. There were a few different members who joined the crew along the way, such as Zak Sprenger and Luke Jarvie, but in the end it came back to what it began as: Brad and Fluky. Their first actually decent song became "Riot" a four and a half minute song which, when played with instrumental solos, could range anywhere from 5-12 minutes. They first recorded with Garage Band, which gave them sub par recordings which still proved that their music still had something to offer. Over a few years, the songs which were mostly written by Brad and complimented by Jon shrank in size, to more practical 4 and 3 1/2 minute songs, not to mention Jon began adding in his own, learning how to play guitar on the side. The boys' fan club never managed, how ever, to exceed their friends, playing at bonfires or more realistically, where ever someone had a spare guitar sitting around the house. But their love of music, and their writing continued. Recently entering the studio with friend Chris Toeller, who entered the group as percussion and another voice. Everyone in the band is multi-talented, and play different instruments on certain songs, as well. Brad, Jon, and Chris have begun recording their first LP, and have two songs finished that will soon be posted. As their musical journey continues, it can be seen that their future is bright to say the least.
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Member Since: 7/25/2006
Band Website: purevolume.com/theaudiobakeryil
Band Members: Brad Bacci- Guitar, vocals
Jon "Fluky" Nadel- Bass, vocals
Chris Toeller- Percussion, vocals

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Influences: Dispatch, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jack Johnson, Queens of the Stone Age, And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead, Russian Circles, Muse, Ben Harper, John Butler Trio, Jason Mraz, David Ryan Harris
Sounds Like: The Graceful Leap of an Otter.
Record Label: none
Type of Label: None

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Posted by Speak|Easy on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 06:47:00 PST