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You will never be forgotten...

About Me

My Interests

Motherhood, Spending time w/fam and Boogie, Graphic Arts, Cooking, Listening to music, Dancing, Dining, Good friends and Good times.

I'd like to meet:

My sister in the afterlife.
Passed away peacefully, April 19, 2003. Born April 12, 1981. Bern was and will always be an inspiration to those who had the chance to know her. She was caring, charismatic, she had a radiant smile. But more than anything she was an honest person. Her candidness and straight forwardness were qualities appreciated and admired by all of her friends and family. She brought love and laughter to all those who encompassed her. When a friend was needed, Bern was there. She was the friend who listened, the friend who held you, the friend who brought out the best in you, but most importantly she was the friend who was there for you. During her 18 month fight with liver cancer, Bern displayed the utmost courage, determination, and strength. Her will to live was unmatched. She showed us the courage to fight when all odds were against you, the determination to give more than you had, the strength to be more than you ever thought you could be, the strength to be like her.


Maxwell, Erikah, Jaguar, Musiq, Jill Scott, Alicia Keys, Amel, Jazzys, Dwele, John Legend, Goapele, Donnell, SV, Outkast, Roots, K-os, Mos, Common, ATCQ, Linkin Park, Strokes, White Stripes, Evanescence, No Doubt and then some


Grease 1/2, Brown Sugar, Best Man, Love Jones, Chicago, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Breakfast Club


Sex & the City, Will & Grace, Food TV, TLC, Three's Company, Cosby Show, Full House


The Five People You Meet in Heaven
Angels & Demons


Bernadette Rae de Guzman

My Blog

dance recital fun

Posted by mae on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Birthday Shindiggers

Thanks again to everyone that made it out to my birthday celebration! I had a wonderful time and wish it didn't end. To those of you that couldn't make it, you suck! hahaha. Just kidding. I know you...
Posted by mae on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST