RiOt SqUaD pApEr ChAsAz HoLlA !!! !!! !!! profile picture

RiOt SqUaD pApEr ChAsAz HoLlA !!! !!! !!!

iM hErE, iN cLiNtOn NC.

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***MY CONDOLENCES 2 UR FAMILY***~N~ ALWAYS KNO WE RESERVED A PLACE 4 U HERE ON DA BLOCK***C U WEN I GET THERE******R.I.P MA NIGGA ROB******wuts good my nigga its been so long since i seen u..........well not relly cuz i carry ur pic with me every day hopin ill get 2 c u again sometime soon.........i kno ur smilin down on me ~n~ watchin ova me makin shure im aiight........ i think about u everyday ~n~ that FAILS 2 hurts my heart 2 kno that ur gone 4 good ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !NiGgAz On My ShIt LiSt1. Prince2. Pete3. Anyone Else Who Wuz Involved***Newburgh - When he was stabbed in the back three weeks ago, Robin Rivera's family thought of it as a bolt of Newburgh lightning.Bad luck. Random.Rivera, 19, was stabbed after arguing with two Jamaican men outside a bodega on William Street, two blocks from his home. It was 10:20 a.m. on a Monday, and the knife wounds put Rivera in Westchester Medical Center for a week.Bad, said his mother, Noemi, and scary.But these things happen in the city. After all, Rivera was one of three men stabbed that day in small spasms of violence around Newburgh police believe to be completely unrelated.Now, though, Rivera is missing."He never fights with nobody. Nothing. I think," his mother said yesterday at her Renwick Street home, "something has happened."Rivera has not been seen or heard from since Friday when he left the family apartment. His girlfriend has not heard from him, either, his family said."I've gone AWOL for a few days before. He's never done that before, never disappeared," said his cousin, Jesus Aviles, 24.Family members can't help but draw a connection between the April 24 stabbing and his sudden disappearance.Neither can police.But detectives said witnesses at the scene of the stabbing were unable - or unwilling - to give them much information. Rivera, who had worked recently for a local factory, was not employed at the time of his disappearance. The walls along South William Street and Rivera's nearby neighborhood are crowded with gang graffiti, some proudly declaring allegiance to the Benkard Barrio Kings; others swearing anti-BBK threats. And the recent arrest of a reputed member of the Latin Kings in the murder of Andrew Naclerio raises a chilling specter: Naclerio was missing for months last year before his body was found in a burned-out, abandoned building.Lt. Santo Centamore said police have no information Rivera is involved with any local street gang, something his family confirms. But his friends might have been, say police. "His friends, or whatever, we don't know what they're associated with," said Aviles. "But he's not involved." Both investigators and relatives think Rivera might know his attackers from last month. "But he wasn't saying anything, he wasn't going around saying he was going to get retaliation," said Aviles.****Robin's body was found today......if u care or even have sympathy for his family and friends....repost this......if u have a heart....repost this*****