Family, friends, nature, sass, animals, cooking, going to the beach, and having uncontrollabe laughing fits.
People who understand and embrace sassines.Also I would like to meet John Stamos. I think the picture explains why...
Pretty much everything, but especially: classic rock, country, dance jams, 80's music, and showtunes.
It depends what mood I am in, but mostly just something that will make me laugh.
The Sopranos, Sex and the City, and anything on the Food Network.
Anything by James Herriot or Barbara Kingsolver, HARRY POTTER, Silent Spring, The Double Helix, The Three Junes, Middlesex, and the Alchemist.
E.O. Wilson ("The Ant Man"), Mary Jane West-Eberhard ("The Wasp Woman"), and of course BOBBY RIVERS!!!!!!!!