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"do not enter"

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About Me


My Interests

Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life For Me) Lyrics Me, myself, and not irene
500 questions about you
first name: casey
middle name: taylor
nickname: cassidilla, cassie, case, sunshine
age: 17
age you wish you were: im happy where i am
age you act: psh. you decide
birthdate: ..d
birthplace: cali
current location: highland, ca
body build: nice normal regular w/e body. lol
current height: 5'2''
current weight: 120-125
what hospital were you born at: redlands hospital
what time were you born: 4 pm
star sign: huh?
how much did you weigh when you were born: 7 i think....
how tall were you when you were born: i dunno! think i measured myself when i got out of the womb?
do you get along with your family?: blood family yes.
any siblings?: yes
pets?: yes
how many?: seven
what kind?: snake, turtle, cat, dog
how many of each?: one, one, three, two
are you happy with who you are?: eh. sometimes. most of the time. yes. lol
smoke: no
do drugs: no
cry often: yes
read the newspaper: no
go to church: yes
pray: yes
take walks in the rain: of course!
sing in the shower: hehe sometimes
like school: sometimes.
want kids: i dunno yet
if yes, how many: i dunno
take long showers: yup. who doesnt?
love yourself for who you are: um... ya!
play sports: yup yup! tennis!!!!
if yes, which ones: tennis, kyayk, racket ball
sleep alot: ya... actually no!
like to sing: im not good at it but i like to. sadly.... lol
like animals: yup yup!!!
like to play with fire: no actually i dont
fave eye color: any
favorite hair color: depends
height: taller than me
weight: skinny
piercings??: depends...
if yes, where: lip!
how many?: like.. only a couple
tattoos?: sure!
if yes where?: hehehe... no i dont care
how many?: not too too much
skinny...muscular...fat: muscular/skinny/w/e
hot or cute: oooh.... um... .both?
looks or personality: well i have both so.... both
first thing you notice: personality
coke or pepsi: i support coke but... pepsi tastes better
bikini or one piece: bikini
swim trunks or speedos?: speedos! (chris. lol)
love or money: love
pop or water: water
dogs or cats: cats
aeropostale or american eagle: american eagle
aeropostale or hollister: hollister
hollister or american eagle: american eagle
abercrombie or hollister: did i already answer this?
american eagle or abercrombie: i answered this... lol
night or day: day
sun or rain: sun
croutons or bacon bits: croutons
ford or chevy: ford
john deere or case: john deere
boxers or briefs: boxers
blondes or brunettes: blondes
arabians or quarter horses: quarter horses..?
green grapes or purple grapes: purple!
beautiful or gorgeous: gorgeous
heck yeah or hell yeah: actuallys its "hecks to the ya"
hot tea or ice tea: ice tea
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
hugs ot kisses: hugs
goldstar or skyline: huh?
quiznos or subway: quiznos
summer or winter: summer
wine or beer: wine
tequila or whiskey: rum
bacardi or smirnoff: smirnoff
taco bell or mcdonalds: taco bell
perkins or bob evans: i dunno...
dominos or papa johns: papa johns
pizza hut or larosas: neither
cried in school: yes
gone skinny dipping: not yet.... chris.... haha
been drunk: nope
smoked: smoked what?
cried on someone's shoulder: yes
had someone cry on your shoulder: yes
been kissed: yes
cried during a movie: yeees....
if yes, what movie: the passion
seen something being born: movie ya. real life? no...
if yes, what: no...
kissed someone in the rain: yes!!!
been in love: uh...
had a medical emergency: nope
had surgery: nope
spent the night in a psych ward: thank goodness no!
played strip poke: nope
played strip poker and lost?: haha nope
been picked on: yes...
slept outdoors: yes...
been on stage: yup yup
been to camp: yuppers
talked to someone all night long on the phone: who hasnt?
thought that you were going crazy: actually... ya
been betrayed: sadly yes
had a dream that came true: um... prolly
been on the radio: nope
had a recurring dream: yes
had a recurring nightmare: uh... no...
loved someone so much that it made you cry: yes of course
been in a car accident: not a really bad one. just... kinda dented someone else's car
been in a car accident on your birthday: hehe that would suck
toilet papered someone's house: i was going to...
egged someone's house: thats horrible! but funny
paintballed a cop car: hecks to the no!
had your heart broken: ya....
been dumped: ya....
dumped someone: ya....
gone out with someone because you felt sorry for them: what? no!
danced in the rain: i dunno... hey chris... lol
are you a romantic: i can be
what is your view on love: there is always that special someone. never give up. no matter how lost you seem to be
who was your first kiss: i dont wanna really say...
biggest turn on: i dunno yet
biggest turn off: speaker talk.
what is important for you in a relationship: commitment
do you have to know someone before you date them: i suppose
what is the best thing about the opposite sex: you're always learning something new about them
what is the best worst thing about the opposite sex: sometimes they cant relate
school: for
prayer in school: for
abortion: agaisnt
straight marriages: for
gay marriages: w/e
kids: undecided
adoption: for
the war in iraq: w/e
gay rights: w/e
marijuana being legal: w/e
sex before marriage: against
illegal downloading: w/e
eggplant: um... for...?
long distance relationships: w/e
democrats: sure
democracy: for
nuns: sure
monarchies: w/e
anarchists: w/e
dictatorships: against
online dating: w/e
hitler: EW! against
god: FOR!!!
interracial marriages: for
interracial relationships: for
single parenthood: w/e
food: everything. lol.
restaurant: ADong
drink: um.... i dunno. right now... vitamin water
store: anchor blue, victoria's secret, forever 21, bath and body works, etc
color: aqua, teal, turquoise
shoe brand: never had one
clothing brand: um... i pretty much like everything
animal: black and blue panther. n.n
guys name: christain
2nd fave: micheal
3rd fave: jessie
girls name: Cameron
2nd fave: jordon
3rd fave: cory
day of the week: um... wensday
sport: hockey, tennis
sport to watch: hockey
flower: yellow rose
ice cream: mint chocolate chip
band: dont have one
scnet: i dunno
song: paint it black by rolling stones
quote: "a cheerful spirit is good medicine, but a crushed spirity will dry the bones"
candy: sour gummy worms!
season: fall
car: 79 ford mustage gt
state: um.. cali/colorado
country: irlend
you hugged: my dad
you kissed: chris!
you talked to: daniele
that made you laugh: chris
you yelled at: karee
that made you cry: i dont know
that you said i love you to: prolly dad
you hit: chris
that brightened your day: chris
you thought about: chris
you saw: daniele
miracles: yes
santa: no...
the easter bunny: haha thats funny
the tooth faerie: nope
god: of course!
elves: nu uh. though that be kool
magic: haha. nope
witches: nope
love at first sight: of course
reincarnation: no
karma: eh... what goes around comes around
yin/yang: nope
heaven/hell: yes
satan: didnt i already answer this?
angels: yes
demons: yes
do you live in the moment: uh... no
do you have secrets: sure i think everybody does here and there
are you tolerant? patient?: depends. but normally i say no
are you a daredevil?: psh nope
deepest fears?: um... prolly
are you gutsy?: sometimes
strengths?: yes
weaknesses?: of course
confident?: sometimes
any regrets?: too many
are you passive or aggressive?: a little of both i'd say
what shape is your heart currently in?: a heart n.n
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My Blog

counting sheep and kisses

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Posted by "do not enter" on Sat, 26 May 2007 09:54:00 PST

who knew i still cared?

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