IM GOING, TO FREAKIN, AFRICA!!! profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Well... Im From Utah but now I live in Lake Butler Florida (north of gainsville). I have big hands and big feet so people make fun of me alot... I play football and enjoy playing my bass guitar, but singing is probably my favorite. If you dont know how to harmonize then learn, its fun. School hasnt taught me anything. Life is great and too short to make decisions that we'll regret. Im a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints whom I will be loyal to for forever because I love God, my family, and hope to find my wife who I will be with FOREVER... how could a love so powerful end at death? I am open and ready to talk to anyone as long as they are willing and happy....I just recently recieved a mission call to the Johannesburg, South Africa mission for 2 years. (WOOT WEWT!)I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Hanging out with friends! Playing with girls hair.... fighting evil in the face all quicklike....... ya know wad i mean

I'd like to meet:

Cool people with good personalities, David Chappelle, Ricky Martin (so i can kick him in the face), Andre the Giant...


Good Rock- Swayze, Dear and Glorious Physician, Cara Del Gato, Snare and Chair (Gainesville Rock = good...), Counting Crows, Dave Mathews Band, Dezerett, Collective Soul, Coldplay, Red hot chili peppers, Foo Fighters, Oasis, Offspring, Third Eye Blind, Weezer, Ozma, Nirvana, some of Incubus, 80's-90's rock, Things not written by dumb people, Stuff like that............


Anti Trust, Bill and Teds Excelent Adventure, The Notebook (I cried), Finding Neverland (cried), Big Fish (...cried), Napolean Dynamite, The Princes Bride, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Eraserhead, Orange County, School of Rock, and others...


The Office, 24, Simpsons, Food Channel, Discovery, Family Guy, Roco's Modern Life, Aqua teen, Chappelle Show...


Book of Mormon, The Holy Bible, Lord of the Rings, Enders Game, Redwall books, Other Nerdy things...


Gordon B Hinkley(awsome+5), Mom, Jesus, Spencer W. Kimbal, Nephi, Alma, Captian Moroni, and Toothpicks

My Blog


Well now that prison, aka school, is over, I finally get to start my life. Every decision I make now is my own. Its funny how the saying that some of your closest freinds become strangers is true. Its...
Posted by IM GOING, TO FREAKIN, AFRICA!!! on Sat, 27 May 2006 10:23:00 PST

hahaha... this is funny... and true about alot of em...

Posted by IM GOING, TO FREAKIN, AFRICA!!! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

New SN on AIM

Well if anyone wants to talk on AIM then My new name is Ohitsjustspencer
Posted by IM GOING, TO FREAKIN, AFRICA!!! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST