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Basically, I am Matt Miranda, theres only like me and they don't make them like this anymore. Pretty Much you either like me or your a Dumbass cause im a good person to like. I enjoy a good sandwhich like the rest of them and highly enjoy Dr. Suess, thus being the rest will rhyme.I lve in Jacskon and im a senior
I got a big belly, but a tiny wiener
My Birthday is in March and i turn eighteen
I never had an operation on my spleen
I play the guitar im not half bad
I got a mom but, wheres my dad?
I play golf does that make me gay
Please dont judge thats not the way
I drive a dodge neon and it is green
I may big but im definatly not mean
i am a little larger then the rest
but i basically am JMHSNow thats enough for the Dr. Suess but seriously i love him. I think Jackson is pretty cool and i understand its feelings i feel that Jackson is like a little boy yearning for ice cream, so give it some ice cream. Ice cream being a symbol of decent citizens and townfolk, all Jackson wants is decent townfolk.I think it would be cool to walk on water just because nobody can do it except my man JC. I like to think that Jesus wears a shirt with a tuxedo painted on it because it says i can be formal but you know what im here to party. Seriously if you dont know me which everyone almost does then hit me up cause you know we are all ducks floating in a giant pond and one day you will meeet a duck that you wanna fuck. But seriously big things come in little packages and that rhyme about my weiner was false its actually 45 feet long seriously im just idding but it is. Stay safe and cool and dont forget. DONT GET HIGH ON YOUR OWN SUPPLY. No More girlfriend it sucks i loved her but i guess she didnt care as much so.... you ladies are lucky i was let go.aim me at mxm4life321..