♣SIR♣ ♣SPIdavich♣ profile picture

♣SIR♣ ♣SPIdavich♣

i AM the american dream

About Me

ME: delinferno666 I AM: tom, %50 serbian, %50 mexican, and %100 american, im an adrenaline junkie, theres nothing in the world like a natural high, grinding your knee into the ground at over 100mph, on a machine thats kickin out 160 hp and weighs fuckin 400 lbs. if it can kill you and its loud as fuck im down, fucking fast bikes and cars. ill try anything without realy thinking that hard about it. i have fun doing everything, if you cant make it fun its not worth doing. im sarcastic and i joke alot if you cant take it... sorry, get over it. theres a lot a cool people out there n i wanna meet em all, everyone has something to offer. hit me up well get ta know each other. im honest, and always willing to help other out. i will tell it like it is, i usually dont reject friend requests, but if you ask to be my friend, last time i checked friends say hi to each other, whats the point of adding me if ur not gonna talk ta me?

My Interests

anything interesting, belives me fuckin a.d.d. over here it dosent take much

I'd like to meet:

everyone!! but especially orin woodward, chris brady, chuck goetschel, bill lewis, tim marks, all the other team leaders :) soon enough


anything but hardcore and r&b, anything with a melody i like, anything that reqires somewhat talent i appreciate. if i had my choice, 8 outa 10 times it would be metal, pure heavy fuckin metal. megadeth, slayer, iron maiden, bodom, malmsteen, lamb of god, sabbath, opeth, pantera, crue, bands on that nature. the rest i reserve for the occational chili peppers, foo fighters, kmk, guns n roses, jack johnson, bob, flogging molly, ya know


beerfest, supertroppers, things of that nature, anything with a good plot, if it has none, and its funny as hell thats just as good if not better. live concerts are cool, rock in rio-iron maiden, ac/dc live at donington, still reighning - slayer, ect.


moto gp, moto-x family guy, stand ups, frank caliendo, dane cook, rodney dangerfield, too many to list, south park, usc football, when i can afford it ppv fights, pride fighting, adult swim, basically anything funny or sports/racing.


lota stuff, anything that can hold my attention. clockwork orange, agatha christie, lots.


team leaders

My Blog

Bands I've Seen

Well My List isnt quite a billionth as long as Chadallac's but hey its the quality of the bands rite?Black SabbathMegadethSlayerRob Zombie Iron Maiden MotorheadDioIncubusThe WhoOverkillChildren of Bod...
Posted by ♣SIR♣ ♣SPIdavich♣ on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 08:03:00 PST