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Readers, lovers, and rulerz... Is that you?
DIO, Blood For Blood, SOIA, The Bronx, Pretty Girls Make Graves, Ignite, Murder City Devils, Speeddealer, Billy Idol, Diecast, The Giraffes, Dead Boy and the Elephant Men, Ghost Buffalo, Avail, Wolfmother, Priestess, The Sword, Straight Faced,Sinners and Saints,Zeke and any other really fucking rocking music that makes me want to listen until my ears bleed...
Flat Liners, The Jerk, Roshamon, Ninja Scroll, Boondock Saints, Hell Raiser, Zoolander (I love Derick), Anchor Man
What is it?
As I Lay Dieing -Faulkner- Letters to a Young Poet -Rilke- Notes From Underground -Doestoyevsky- anything writen by Bukowski, Irvine Welsh, Death on the Instalment Plan -Céline- El Túnel-Ernesto Barato-Lorca-Marquez-Neruda- and just about anything that makes me sad so that I feel empathy...