Mary profile picture


Whoever said money can´t buy happiness doesn´t know where to shop.

About Me

Little blurbs about me:

I'm a college student, studying to be a teacher.

I tend to be very busy. There should more than 24 hours in a day.

Meeting new people is great, but I tend to be really quiet when you first meet me (in person).

I love music, and I used to play the piano and sing. Don't really do that anymore though. Someday, I want to learn to play the guitar... and maybe the violin.

My sister, Becky, is my best friend. I have spoiled my nephew and niece rotten.

Hammond, IN is really boring. I should move to Chicago or Indianapolis.

I love breakfast food, and would eat it for every meal if it wasn't weird to do so.

I am obsessed with makeup and nail polish, but I rarely wear either.

I believe that the batter is always better than the finished baked product.

I love to read. Most of my friends probably consider me a nerd since I read entirely too much.

I love anything artsy - museums, art galleries, poetry readings, etc.

I'm a huge INXS fan (since the age of 10) and I will find any excuse to bring them up in conversation. My friends all think it is annoying. However, I also am also crazy over other bands and like to occasionally bring them up as well.

Myspace Layouts at / Purple rose - Image Hosting

My Interests

Music (playing and listening), makeup (love it), fashion (Can't fit in to most of it though), chocolate, talking with friends about nothing, books, travel, magazines, bumming around on the internet, things that are purple, flowers, writing in my journal, cooking, talking to my Sissy, spending time with my unbelievably adorable nephew and niece, learning about other countries and cultures, arts and crafts - especially needlepoint and cross stitch (Yes, I know it's an old lady thing!), and anything else that seems interesting at the time.

I'd like to meet:

Andrew Farriss - The man is a musical genious. I would love to just sit down and talk music with him. (That is, if I didn't completely freak out on him and do something really embarassing - like puke.)

Scott Hamilton - A very inspirational man. He battled a childhood illness to become an Olympic figure skater and win the gold medal. He has since battled cancer twice, but still remains positive about his future. How cool is that?


Rock/ Classic rock/ anything rock - especially INXS, U2 and Darren Hayes.


Anything creepy and scary - I love M. Night Shyamalan stuff. Also, the movie Dragonfly (with Kevin Costner) is really good.


All the CSI shows, Criminal Minds, Lost, Rockstar, Project Runway, Cold Case Files, Ghost Whisperer, Oprah, all those ghost hunter/haunted places shows.


I am currently reading the "Canadian West" series of books by Janette Oke. I have also read her "Love Comes Softly" series. They are all very good so far. She is a Christian Fiction writer. Check out her website:


My parents and my Grandmother.

My Blog

Ah! Fun times!

It has been a while since I've written a blog. Life has beens nuts. So, here is what I've been up to:- School! It sucks! (No really, it does.) Fortunately, I seem to be doing well in my classes even t...
Posted by Mary on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 10:34:00 PST

I was dared to post this. HA!

Ok! Let's see who is actually brave enough to do this. LOL! Hilarious! BOYFRIEND APPLICATIONPlease complete this application as honestly as possible. Not everyone will receive a response to this appli...
Posted by Mary on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 09:53:00 PST

ARGH! Stress!!!

Ok! I am the biggest idiot ever! My Human Diversity class has been over for a week now. I have had ONE WHOLE WEEK to do my final paper and observation report/reflection.Yeah... I didn't do them. I wan...
Posted by Mary on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 09:14:00 PST

So Upset!!!

I really freakin hate my eating disorder!  I have been doing really well with my binges lately. I haven't had any for at least a two months. Today I have been depressed. (Holidays do that to me.)...
Posted by Mary on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 10:26:00 PST

I'm still here!

Hey everyone! I thought I would pop in and let you all know that I'm still here. I haven't been on Myspace for a while because school and work have been crazy. Sorry that I haven't left any comments f...
Posted by Mary on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 09:21:00 PST

Staples rocks, class still sucks, and I hope my fat ass never sees horizontal stripes again!

Well, I started my job at Staples last week. It's actually not bad. I'm basically a cashier/customer service associate. It's exactly the job that I wanted. Plus, you can get benefits even though you a...
Posted by Mary on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 09:02:00 PST

Class sucks, another job interview, and other pointless meanderings.

What is new in the life of Quiggs you ask? T-O-N-S!!!!I started my next class this week. It is Curriculum Development. Fanscinating class!!! No really, it is.We discuss different views of school curri...
Posted by Mary on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 09:38:00 PST

Job Interview Update

So, I went to the job interview. The job sucked! It was a "bagger job", but it was also a janitorial type job. My duties would have been cleaning bathrooms, mopping floors, cleaning registers and anyt...
Posted by Mary on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 05:49:00 PST

Job Interview

Hey Ya'll! So, here's the story: I have a job interview with Jewel Osco on Monday. It's for a Service Clerk position. I'm not sure what that is, but I think it might just be a glorified "bagger". I'm ...
Posted by Mary on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 03:54:00 PST


Guess who completely went off her diet from last week, ate like a freakin pig all weekend, and still lost 5lbs? IT'S ME BABY! I rock! LOL!Actually, it's pure luck, but I'm not going to complain....
Posted by Mary on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 09:55:00 PST