About Me
PLASTICA opened in June of 1996 in Silverlake, Los Angeles. PLASTICA is a boutique filled with unique items
from around the world as well as products by local designers. Although most of the merchandise is literally plastic,
we feature items made out of any number of different materials. The dictionary definition below best describes our
theme of plastic:plastic / 'plas-tik / adj [L plasticus of molding, fr. GR plastikos, fr. plassein to mold, form] 1 : FORMATIVE, CREATIVE
2 a : capable of being molded or modeled b : capable of adapting to varying
conditions : PLIABLE 3 : SCULPTURAL.PLASTICA offers a mix of special one of a kind items and practical functional everyday items. Accessories, housewares,
gifts, kids toys, office accessories are all carefully curated and displayed in this small boutique now located in
West Hollywood.PLASTICA is always on the lookout for new interesting items. We accept submissions of new products, designs,
and ideas.