K. WYN profile picture


Not even HELL could be HOTTER than you right now..

About Me

SO im the type girl you would NEVER see in a mall, unless im buying undies... you're most liKely to find me @ school, working @ PASQUALES (the best job ever), eating @ McDonalds, or @ home .. i attend WARREN CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL and im a JUNIOR c/o 07! SENIORS SOON! whoo!.. 18 years old... i CHEERLEAD, but its not something i love doing... Keeps me in shape and im really in to COMPETITION.... im not really in to school cheerleading, but i do it anyway. I will be on Varisty Football Cheer Squad this year comin up 06/07....and i no longer will do Varisty Boys n' Girls Basketball Squad, i dont like it, but i belive i will be joining the SWIM TEAM! im excited.... im a competition cheerleader for FITNESS FORCE ALL-STARS, my third year? 4th year?.. ive been cheering for about 8 years of my life and gymnastics for about 6 years.(im not a gymnast nemore though unfortunately) .. SPANISH, i try speaKing it a lot... i say what i can.. Im in STUDENT COUNCIL and NHS....I have no fish,.. Flo died also recently..R.I.P Osco,Otto, n' Flo.... im pretty spontaneous and its hard to predict what i might do, but i figure people like surprises... I try to participate in as MUCH activites @ school possible.. i love the BUSINESS, but sometimes its overwhelming.... if ya ever feel the need to go on a WALK or do something crazy, GIVE ME A CALL! or you can IM me on ILittleIPunkin...(dont judge me.. i've had it since 4th grade) i would love to join... whether it be MUD WRESTLING or giving your DOG a bath... im UP FOR IT!
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My Interests

ANYTHING new or that I've never done before...... any SPORT! give me a basetball, ill shoot some hoops with ya... or tennis. I love to RUN, SWIM, COMPETE, play SOCCER, BASKETBALL, listen to MUSIC (any type), play in the Paul Ruster CRICK, go on late-night ROADTRIPS, TRAVELING, BOATING, EXERCISING, CAMPING, BONFIRES... i like them all....EXERCISING... FOOD n' snacks...im interested in anything that is interesting, fun, and EXCITING! GIVE ME A HOLLER, i'm up for ANYTHING!

I'd like to meet:

id like to meet someone who wont lie....and will tell me how it is and give me an honest opinion about me....


i listen to everything from what i Know... im up to listening to any new bands that someone may recommend... some that i listen to are Fall Out Boy, TaKing BacK Sunday, Sugarcult, Brilliant Remedy, my Chemical Romance, Nickleback, Lighthouse, Coldplay and Starting Line are some bands i listen too.... i also like some country..... and I like to listen to the OLDIES MUSIC....


favorite movie~ THE GOONIES.... some of my favorite movies i watched growing up are Freddy C, Chuckie, The Labrynth, and Beetlejuice... some of the more recent movies.. The Sandlot... Shall We Dance... The Notebook (yep i said it)... and scary movie, ill love, but i have really seen any movies lately, how about a date??


CSI! CSI! CSI! the best show ever made.... and i like the Sweet 16 show and tiara girls... those girls are such bitches! i can hardly believe some of the things they say...


WOOO!!!Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com


My dad..... daddy's girl..... but I have to put my sister in here too, Sarah.... she helps with everything and i love her for it

My Blog

Fuck all that shit, it doesnt mean shit now

 Are you in a relationship?     wish i were sometimes... miss always havin someone there Are you currently fighting with anyone?       ...
Posted by K. WYN on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 07:13:00 PST

lets get FUCKED up and die! im speaking figuratively...

Go to your page and list the last twelve people who have commented you. If someone has commented twice, skip to the next new commenter. Skip bands.(in order)1. Christy Gegner2. Megan Mattingly3. Jay H...
Posted by K. WYN on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 08:44:00 PST

'06.... seniors suck, minus a few

Since the beginning of 2006...1. Have you had a gf/bf?:          ;  YEP! although we broke up in January after... 7 months?2. Have you had your birthday...
Posted by K. WYN on Fri, 12 May 2006 07:02:00 PST

Shes an ugly girl, does that make you feel safe?

My title is part of a song by Jewel... an older song, try listenting to her older music... i like it, its good So I got this idea from James G. ..... aren't you annoyed by all those people who say, "P...
Posted by K. WYN on Tue, 02 May 2006 02:07:00 PST

Valentine's Day turns in to HELL DAY

yeah so... i thought this Valentine's Day would suck because it did last year (flashback... me finding out a year ago today that JV, my boyfriend at the time, had sex with Kristen effin' Emmons) im st...
Posted by K. WYN on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 06:58:00 PST

You'll be my WORST kept secret n' my biggest mistake..

AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! hey guys, whats up? I was reading my "OMG... JV" blog... and i was thinkin.. i must have been a big bitch, right? NO... he definitly deserved it (ha, jk), but i guess im happy to say ...
Posted by K. WYN on Fri, 06 Jan 2006 11:46:00 PST

HAHAHA.... do it.... read it

... so i figured..... its time to update a bit... may be a little bit? just for those people who are curious to know about me... I'd really appreciate it though if you took the time to see how I'm doi...
Posted by K. WYN on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 03:02:00 PST

Have you noticed?

school... oh do i hate it! well instead of pouring everything out of me and telling you how i feel... well... im just going to tell you how i feel..... i hate school.... does anybody feel that way? do...
Posted by K. WYN on Mon, 31 Oct 2005 06:59:00 PST


I HATE JUNIOR YEAR! can i get a raise of hands on who agrees?... alright well, maybe its just me
Posted by K. WYN on Sun, 16 Oct 2005 07:27:00 PST

There's more than you think.....

oh these myspace blogs sure do come in handy sometimes.... actually they are perfect to be a new best friend... well think about it..... 1) They aren't mean, so they must be nice 2) They don't li...
Posted by K. WYN on Mon, 19 Sep 2005 01:50:00 PST