*MAC*FxG* Model profile picture

*MAC*FxG* Model

~I like to get fucked up and do fucked up shit!~

About Me


~~♥♥ABOUT ME♥♥~~
♥My name is Cali♥
♥My middle name is Amber♥
♥Im 21♥
♥My other myspace profile is Here ♥
♥And I am married♥
♥I was born in Ada, Oklahoma♥
♥I grew up in Chickasha Oklahoma♥
♥But now I live in Midland Texas♥
♥I have several Tattoos♥
♥Four to be exact♥
♥I have a tounge ring, nose ring, and 8 earrings♥
♥My AOL screenname is xxcalixxamberxx♥
♥My screenname for yahoo is xxCaliAmberxx♥
♥Im very Emotional♥
♥And my emotions change all the time♥
♥I love taking Pictures of anyone & anything♥
♥I cant live without Music♥
♥I like Rap, Hip Hop, R&B, and Some Country♥
♥I love horror movies♥
♥Stephen King Kicks Ass!!!!♥
♥I love thunderstorms♥
♥And I like when it snows♥
♥I love getting Pic and Page Comments♥
♥I always Comment back♥
♥I love getting Messages!♥
♥I will always write you back!♥
♥Anything else you wanna know, just ask me!♥
♥Chicken & Pizza♥
♥Root Beer♥
♥Daquiris & Long Island Ice Teas's ♥
♥7 & 13♥
♥Pink, Blue & Black♥
♥Scary, & Comedys Movies♥
♥Rap, R&B, & Rock♥
♥Broccoli & Spinach♥
♥Stupid People ♥
♥My last boss♥
♥Bees, Wasps, & Spiders♥
♥And any other bug♥
♥Rude People♥
♥Girls who think they are all that♥

My Interests

♥Hanging out with Friends♥
♥Surfing the web♥

I'd like to meet:

♥OH, I Also Like To See This!!!! Haha!♥


~~♥♥People I want to meet♥♥~~
♥John Cena♥
♥Jim Morrison♥
♥James Dean♥
♥Paris Hilton♥
♥Tony Hawk♥
♥The President♥
♥Anyone who wants to meet me♥





~♥Favorite X-BOX Games♥~
♥The Sims♥
♥Play Boy Mansion♥
♥BackYard Wrestling♥
♥Grand Theft Auto♥

♥Brittany♥ ♥Gary♥

~~♥♥Places I have Lived♥♥~~
♥Ada, Oklahoma♥
♥Chickasha, Oklahoma♥
♥Phillipi, West Virgnia♥
♥Clarksburg, West Virginia♥
♥Midland, Texas♥


You're Nny! You're psychotic and kind of evil, but somewhere in there is an emotion. Good luck finding it.

Showing some love!


♥Mary J Blige♥
♥Blue October♥
♥Stone Sour♥
♥Lil Jon♥


♥Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back♥
♥The Day After Tomorrow♥
♥The Hills Have Eyes♥
♥War of the Worlds♥
♥Friday After Next♥
♥Sweetest Thing♥
♥Men in Black♥
♥Hard Candy♥
♥Fight Club♥


♥That 70's Show♥
♥King of the Hill♥
♥American Dad♥
♥Family Guy♥
♥The Hogans♥


♥Anything by Stephen King♥
♥Chicken Soup Books♥


♥My Grandma♥
♥My Mom♥
♥My Dad♥
People say they wish they had a *happy ending* I wish I even had a [story].
♥Maybe her [laughter] is a
cry for *help*, Or her precious
is a symbol of her insecurities♥
♥So what if I'm a *bitch*?
You're a .
And personally, I'd rather be known for what I do, not
*who* I do.♥
♥Be optimistic. All the people you now,
are eventually going to
♥Charlie Brown: I think I'm afraid to be happy.
Lucy: How can you be afraid to be happy?
Charlie Brown: Because whenever you get too happy, something bad ALWAYS happens.♥
Pull back the hair from your eyes & let the people see your [pretty face].. You know they like it when you fake a *smile*.
[Insanity] ?... Or a different view of [reality]?
I'm FINE...
F ucked up
I nsecure
N eurotic
E motional
Just fine
Pixel Your Page

My Blog

Funny Myspace Announcements!

Posted by So Stick That In Your Juice Box [[&]] Suck It! on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 05:21:00 PST

♥As I Mature♥

Posted by So Stick That In Your Juice Box [[&]] Suck It! on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 06:29:00 PST

~Lyfe Jennings- S.E.X Lyrics~

Now see most cats, would take advantage of you right nowBut I aint gone do that yoImma give you the game, rightImma give it to you becauseI would want somebody to give my little girl the gameWhen she ...
Posted by So Stick That In Your Juice Box [[&]] Suck It! on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 12:45:00 PST

~Trip to AirSho!!~

The CAF AirSho 2006!!! Most of these planes are the only remaining ones of their kind. They have been restored by the CAF! Very Neat Stuff!!! Below they made a heart, it was windy so I didnt get ma...
Posted by So Stick That In Your Juice Box [[&]] Suck It! on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 05:32:00 PST

?Other Sites I Belong To?

Heres some other sites I belong to, so if your a member of one of these sites, Be sure to add me and let me know you did! Thanks so much! Byeee   My FaceBook Profile My Judge Me Profile My MyCri...
Posted by So Stick That In Your Juice Box [[&]] Suck It! on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 09:29:00 PST

~Trip to Meteor Crater Museum~

Located Near Monohans Texas Free, Donations Accepted It was pretty cool. A metor hit here 50,000 years ago. They had built a shaft with a ladder that went down 165 feet to do research underneth the cr...
Posted by So Stick That In Your Juice Box [[&]] Suck It! on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 01:18:00 PST

~Trip to Monohans Sand Hills~

Located in Monohans Texas $2 a person You can hike, drive, and even rent sleds to slide down the sand hills. Nothing but sand as far as the eye can see! It was prettty neat! Huge Hills of nothing but ...
Posted by So Stick That In Your Juice Box [[&]] Suck It! on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 01:09:00 PST

~My Trip to Sonora Caverns~

Pictures from inside the cave! Sonora Cave Since 1950's It is a constant 71 degress in the cave. But since the Humidity was 98 percent all the time, it felt like it was 90 in the cave. It wa...
Posted by So Stick That In Your Juice Box [[&]] Suck It! on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 12:48:00 PST

~Family Trip to Mexico~

A bridge you cross to get into Mexico Part of the town Another part of the town Town  ...
Posted by So Stick That In Your Juice Box [[&]] Suck It! on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 12:35:00 PST

♥Random Family Pictures♥

Me and Kevin Kissing Kevin and my dad Kevin Cheesing lol My dad, mom, and Grandma (Dads Mom)    ...
Posted by So Stick That In Your Juice Box [[&]] Suck It! on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 12:04:00 PST