Bulgari Uniaci ... Bulgaria nad vsi4ko :) I was born in Pernik,Bulgaria right next to Sofia(The capital), but Pernik is beter haha PK 4 Life. At the moment I'm a Proffesional FIFA Soccer Player. I spend most of my time now adays traveling/partying all over the world. Few places that I have visited Paris, Playboy Mansion,Rome,Venice,Amsterdam,London ect, but my favorite is Bulgaria!! I'm an ex-player for the compLexity Los Angeles and all I can say those last 2 years in Cali were alwesome.... I love my family and repsect them dearly for all the hard work they done helping me out in life and my career. I love hanging out with friends,going to the gym,Playing soccer,listing to music,partying,enjoying life to its fullest!!! I love meeting new people from around the world so dont hesitate to add me(this why i made myspace). To all the Bulgarians Nie sme Nomer Edno kratko kazano haha BG POWER[LOVEMYFLASH][/LOVEMYFLASH]