Chris Sailer Kicking has become the number one authority on kickers, punters, and long snappers from high school all the way to the pro level in the past four years. CSK currently has over 90 kickers, punters, and long snappers playing college football. Every year we have over 50 athletes obtain full scholarships just for kicking, punting and long snapping.Two of our biggest events of the year, National Event in January and National Spring Event in May, take place in Las Vegas and bring out the top kickers, punters and long snappers this country has to offer. At the 2008 events we had over 500 athletes at these two events alone. There is training on one day of the event followed by the opportunity to perform in front of college coaches. There is no other event that even comes close to showcasing specialists the way Chris Sailer Kicking does year in and year out. In 2007 alone, our two events were viewed by approximately 100 coaches from throughout the country.Bottom line, if you want to get yourself better and noticed, go through Chris Sailer Kicking! Check out our website now at"; ..