OK it's a case of which came 1st MUSIC or RUNNING! In addition I love to hike, mountain bike, cycling (there is a big difference), taking long walks along the beach or sitting on the sand and watching the ocean waves.
Again ... One of my main interests is ROCK music and I'd love to connect with any artists out there to help promote them.
Check out my website: http://www.strikeupthebands.net :-)On a more personal note let's see ... Humor is very important to me so if you have a good sense of humor (or you think you do) I'd love to chat with you. There is something about a really good laugh ... you know the one where tears are streaming down your face and your stomach hurts ... Now that's what I'm talking about! :-) Truth and Honesty are also WAY up there on my list ... Not into playing games unless of course there is a chance I can whip your butt! LOL
Check out my website: www.strikeupthebands.net
In my world a hero should be someone who saved you or you look up to ... If I had a knight in shining armour I guess it would be him! On a more thoughtful note ... I would have to say that MUSIC has always been there for me .. through the ups and the downs so to those musicians who have been there and only I know who you are ... You are my HEROS!