Spike At The Art Tattoo & Piercing profile picture

Spike At The Art Tattoo & Piercing


About Me

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Award Winning Custom Tattoo & Body Piercing Studio
Owned and run by Mykicks & Julia Ree situated in Plympton Plymouth.
With all original artwork and individual designs we strive to provide the best tattoos in the area.
Fully registered studio and work to the highest safety and hygienic standards, using the best and latest equipment available enables us to provide a safe enviroment for your tattoo or body piercing. The work carried out is done without hurry or attitude in an ambient chilled enviroment.
Imagination exploration with spike at the art. Describe your tattoo, together it is created. You have the opportunity in our studio of keeping the original artwork and having the knowledge that you will be the only person wearing your design We offer more imagination in cover up work, free hand work and love a challenge..
Body piercing is carried out by Julia Ree, total professional, member of the British Body Piercing Association, with the advantage of wide experience we ensure your body piercing is carried out to your exact specifications.
We provide one off designs in our studio which opened on July 4th 2004,In which time we have built up an excellent reputation for the innovative tattoos and body piercing.
Our reputation is such that we have work featured regularly in top selling uk magazines and others across the globe.
We work at tattoo conventions all over the UK and have successfully built up a reputation with clientele who travel from far and wide to our studio for their tattoos.
We stock a wide range of body jewellery, specific items are available to order, all clothing and jewellery is fairtrade.
For your original tattoo artwork and the best in body piercing pay a visit to Spike at the Art.
Information regarding,tattoo, conventions/shop booking availability and all other info please visit the shop 01752 340070 or email [email protected],walk in days are Friday and Saturday only appointments required all other times. (shop bookings are not taken and prices will not be discussed on the phone or internet).
Here are a few examples, due to theft a number of photos have now been removed from my pics,please check out the website spikeattheart.com please feel free to leave comments on our forum..

My Interests

Tattoo..walking Judy..Indian food..Sleeping..

Julia, the piercer of the shop. Legend. No other words for it.Always happy to help no matter how annoying you are.

I'd like to meet:

Terence McKenna tho he's dead now so guess I'll have to wait...
Shop Open MON-SAT
01752 340070
[email protected]
Alma House Ridgeway, Plympton, Plymouth Myspace Backgrounds


anything really...music is a state of mind and place of body,being in the place when the music takes you away...Transglobal underground...Tribal Drift...Loop Guru...ADF -Culture move Brilliant... Blackbirds by The Beatles...Hothouse flowers...


Ghengis Cohen...blazing saddles...Farenheit 9 11..Groundhog day...Groundhog day...East is East...Kes...Into the wild


Monty Pythons flying circusus.vision on.Tizwaz.Old grey whistle test.The Tube.Spitting Image....Bullseye with 'you can't beat a bit o bully' Bowen...


..food of the gods...


My Mum.