KJ - Knut Jorgen profile picture

KJ - Knut Jorgen

About Me

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1990-1995: Making music with friend Ole-Andre. Vocals: Ole-Andre. Keyboards: Knut Jorgen. Music by Knut Jorgen, lyrics by Ole-Andre. About 15 songs recorded on tape at home.2003-2005: Knut Jorgen re-record 13 of the songs from the 1990-95 period. Various instruments play the melody lines (instead of vocals). New arrangements added to several songs.2005: Album 'KJ - One' (instrumental CD) with the following tracks: 01: Like A Flower 02: One More Day 03: Misery Town 04: In the Silence After Tears 05: Crying Rain 06: Once Again 07: Change Tomorrow 08: Open Wide 09: In A Painted World 10: Summer Days 11: Seasons All Asleep 12: Dreams 13: Your Noble ScreamComplete album production by Knut Jorgen.Spring 2006: CD distributed to family and friends. Spring 2006: Radio interview in local radio station 'Radio Sandefjord'. Three songs played from the album (track 02, 08 and 09). Summer 2006: Created profile on myspace.com. Autumn 2006: Starts the process with getting in touch with a record company.

My Interests


Member Since: 25/07/2006
Band Members: Solo
Influences: Pet Shop Boys, Eurythmics.
Sounds Like: Melancholic pop music. By now, all the songs are instrumental versions (no vocals). With help from a text writer, the plans are to some day re-record the tracks in a professional way with vocals added. Until then, enjoy the melodies. They all work very well as background music when relaxing, driving in your car etc. :-)
Type of Label: Major

My Blog


What do you think about these 4 songs? Any potensials here..?! Please post your comments Send me an e-mail if you want to get more information about my music or if you want to buy the no-professional&...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 09:53:00 GMT


About the record process: Two keyboards have been in use, the GEM CD3 and the Yamaha PSS-790, both at least 10 to 15 years of age. The recording process was very "manual", using the sequencer on ...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 09:42:00 GMT


Hi there!I'm a Norwegian hobby music composer who's searching for record companies which will be interested in my music. I've been composing songs the last 10 years. It all started with me and my frie...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 00:46:00 GMT