About Me
TREEHUGGER:[tre-hug-r]Welcome to TREE HUG YOUR MOTHER EARTH! This unique organization is dedicated to the task of allowing people the opportunity to show others their love for trees, forests and the desire to preserve our fragile environments for future generations. The T.H.Y.M.E foundation is created as a communication resource ,showcasing the necessity of trees worldwide. Secondly, the experience of planting a tree when you are a child, leaves a lifelong sense of accomplishment, joy and satisfaction. Enriching our lives, by nurturing environments. This generation, for future generations. Our mission is simple, plant trees! By educating people around the world that everyone’s actions have a lasting impact on our planet, that focusing on making small changes to some of our negative impacts now, we can quickly have positive effects forever. One way of improving the balance of our negative impacts is by planting more trees Internationally. Trees are vital for the existence of life for all plants, animals and mankind, by planting trees we can experience the greatest benefit they can offer. Production of life sustaining oxygen. Yes, oxygen! Every tree contributes to our planets complex cycle of nature, day in, day out. It’s something all of Mother Earths species must have to grow, live and survive everywhere. Take a moment to think, remembering that with every beat of our hearts, every breath we take, what do we give our thanks too. That’s right. Trees! So lets all join in everywhere, worldwide. Its time to rally around this beneficial cause. Tell your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers. Contact your local, county, state , leaders and officials. Don’t regret being left out, participate. Show our Mother Earth your love and respect. Lets plant more trees. Together, lets hug a tree! Have you hugged your tree lately? Think Globally,Act Locally!!!! T.H.Y.M.E.s Founder,T.H.Y.M.E.s Founder,
Rich Abbott