Future profile picture



About Me

I'm 6'7 265. I work out 3-4 times a week at 24 hour fitness northwest plaza. I'm a pro wrestler. I wrestle all over the midwest but I'm trying to narrow it down to the elite ones. I feel that its now or never to get more serious about my craft. I love this buisness and I plan on making my living from it. I'm on some local tv stations and I'm hoping by the time its all said and done to make it big. . ......Change of subject..... I'm goofy as hell. I love to make people laugh. I enjoy people from all walks of life. I'm a firm follower of "everything happens for a reason".I made my layout at killerkiwi.net

My Interests

For Booking information please contact me at [email protected]/ 314-603-9071/ 314-355-1891 fax My top 5 workers in WWE/TNA/ROH are as follows: Samoa Joe, Nigel M, MVP, Amazing/ Awesome Kong, and "The Phenominal" AJ Styles.

I'd like to meet:

Nobody famous in particular, maybe the owner of WWE Vince McMahman. Nah, but seriously I'd like to turn time and meet some people I've known all over again.



The companies i have had the pleasure of working for and with are as follows: All Star Wrestling(ASW), Midwest Powerhouse Wrestling(MPW), Ultimate Wrestling Alliance(UWA), Heartland Chmapionship Wrestling(HCW),Pro-Wrestling Athletes(PWA),Full Throttle Wrestling(FTW),Independant Wrestling Alliance Illinois(IWAI), Ringside championship Wrestling(RCW), Rampage Championship Wrestling(RCW) Platium Pro Wrestling( PPI, Indiana), Supreme League of Wrestling (SLW), All American Pro Wrestling (AAPW), Nwa Central States (NWA CSW), New Midwest Wrestling (NMW), Lethal Wrestling Alliance (LWA), New Breed Wrestling Alliance(NBWA), Finest Independent Stars Today (FIST)


There a few companies that I would love to work for in the future, no pun intended and they are as follows: Lethal Wrestling Alliance(accomplished), Gateway Championship Wrestling, New Midwest Wrestling (accomplised),Triple A Wrestling, CMLL, MMWA-SICW ( South Broadway Althletic Club- St.Louis MO)(Accomplised),World Wrestling Entertainment, Total Non-stop Action, Iwa Mid_south, Roh and somewhere in Japan.


The titles that I have held are as follows: NWA-MO(TV Title), Heartland Championship Wrestling- IL Title, Heartland Championship Wrestling-Heavyweight Title IWAI Heavyweight Championship, Lethal Wrestling Alliance Championship


true crime stories


My mom

My Blog

Gary The Barnowl Vs Donovan Ruddick No Dq LwA Part 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh3tVnjEkPs ...
Posted by Future on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 06:53:00 PST

Gary The Barnowl Vs Donovan Ruddick No Dq LwA Part 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdFRbGIWZ9M ...
Posted by Future on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 06:53:00 PST