I'm interested in music that moves me. It's something intangible. I just like to create, and hopefully what I create moves someone else. As long as it doesn't move them further away...
Most of the gigs you'll find here are with 2 projects:
* The Crooked Fiddle Band - my main gig, playing drums, percussion, singing and arranging/writing tunes.
* Sui Zhen - a new band for Becky Freeman's alter ego, with Dave Keys on bass, Preston Peachy on drums and Claire Herbert on backing vox. I'm playing vibraphone, marimba, synths, guitars, backing vox and anything else that needs doing...
I've also been enjoying some jamming and recording with Jamie Lloyd ..check his myspace for some of those sounds, and I'll try and get some up here soon, too.
And a new jazzy-funky project The Chats - I'm playing kit/percussion and the trio also features Dan Freeman on acoustic bass.
You can also find me occasionally making noise with Fergus Brown - a poppy singer with a great voice and catchy tunes
I also had a great time the other day playing some country-style brushes with The Green Mohair Suits so I figured they deserve a plug, I hope to sit in with them again!
When Sui Zhen and Jamie Lloyd join forces, there's a synergistic event known as Little Hat - I'm helping out with drums, percussion, synths and bits n pieces.
This hasn't been updated much...mainly due to me being busy with crooked fiddle band stuff....but I will be recording some percussion-based things in the next few weeks which i hope to put up here... if all goes according to plan.
But i DO still exist...:)
If you're a student of mine looking at this - what are doing?!? Go and practise!! But feel free to drop me a line and ask anything you need to ask...
"Escape from Damascus" is a track with The Crooked Fiddle Band, you can go to our myspace to hear more of where that's coming from... (see below).
"tourist in a warzone" is the first song with a new solo project that doesn't have a name yet. I hope to get more of my own material up here as soon as I get a chance to record it!
The 'official' bio has been deleted because it's not only wanky but unnecessary.
(Click below to go to our band's myspace )
The Crooked Fiddle Band
..a href="http://myspacemaps.info"