ViRginTuRtleWhoRe (Busca fechas!!) profile picture

ViRginTuRtleWhoRe (Busca fechas!!)

About Me

We accept Cash, Credit, or Bodily Favours! ***SUPER PROMOTION: Free Blowjob with any purchase!! (You choose who gives it to you!) (Girls get a free cd with any sexual intercourse)

Upstairs Music Video

Virginturtlewhore - The Fetus Dance (@ MetalSkin 13/12/08)
"No hay nada mejor que despertar en un saco de arroz" La desilusion se volvio realidad cuando Paskkal y nioX tuvieron una vision(en el 2004)de ser prostitutas pero se dieron cuenta de que eran muy feos para hacer dinero de esto. Paskkal siendo la unica persona que tenia la idea de como tokar un instrumento hizo el progreso algo lento al principio, pero pronto ViRginTuRtleWhoRe estaba haciendo nuevas canciones y tokando para un pequeño publico.Paskkal tokaria bateria, Goshii guitarra, scarenoid bajo y nioX correria por el escenario haciendo ruidos extraños. Despues de que estos idiotas tokaran un poco mejor cambiarian instrumentos para distintas canciones (incluso nioX), Goshii y Paskkal a menudo cambiarian posiciones (sexuales tambien). De pronto las cosas se complicaron, por el echo de que Goshii decidio convertirse ala religion budista y disfrutar de hierbas exoticas de tal modo ke abandono ala banda . Esta vacante dejo a la banda con pocas opciones y finalmente decidieron usar programacion de bateria en vivo. El cambio permitio mas flexibilidad y una mejoria general en el sonido. En 2007 comienza a distribuirse una version betta del segundo album "EVOLUPHILIA", y es esperado con bateria electronica, mejor grabacion y muchas canciones nuevas. En 2009 por fin sta terminado el disco!! EVOLUPHILIA. Mientras lo terminabamos, tuvimos una orgia de la cual surgio un nuevo integrante una abomiacion bastante rara la cual llamamos Krad Unknown,y dicho personaje nacio kon una guitarra integrada en el culo, y por ese peculiar echo lo pusimos a tokar guitarra. El segundo disco EVOLUPHILIA esta en la venta apartir de Julio 2009. Mas informacion disponible contactando la banda. 2009 ofrece mas oportunidades para tokar en vivo para VTW, aunque siempre sigue la busqueda de mas lugares en donde tokar.
"There is nothing better than waking up in a sack of rice" The delusion became reality when Paskkal and nioX had a vision (in 2004) of being prostitutes but realized that they were too ugly to make money doing so. Paskkal being the only person who actually kind of knew how to play an instrument made progress slow at first, but soon ViRginTuRtleWhoRe was making new songs and playing for small audiences. Paskkal would play drums, Goshii guitar, scarenoid bass and nioX would run around on stage making strange noises. After these idiots started to play slightly better they would change instruments for different songs (even nioX), goshii and Paskkal changing (sexual) positions often. Soon things got complicated, however, when Goshii decided to become a budhist monk/ninja/biologist and ran away one day. This left the band with few options and eventually they decided to use programmed drums on playback live. The change allowed for more flexibility in sounds and a better overall sound. In 2007 a full length CD "Evoluphilia" is released, with programmed drums, better recording, and many new songs. The promo of Evoluphilia is available, upon request by emailing the band members. During the recording of the second album, these pervered fuck-ups had an orgy of some type which involved tooth paste and powdered milk and a pretty weird abomination that we call Krad Unknown was born as a result. He was born with a guitar in his colon so he was used as a guitarrist. The second album EVOLUPHILIA is finally finished and for sale in July 2009, more information is available contacting the band. 2009 shows hope for more live dates, but we are ever searchfull for more places in which we can anally vomit our disgusting noise. We are also open for booty calls by dialing 1-900-VTW-BITCH (Scarenoid comes highly recommended!)

My Interests


Member Since: 24/07/2006
Band Website: ahhahah
Band Members:

ScareNoiD- BajO (Lo encontramos ofreciendo su cuerpo bajo un puente, y al parecer lo pagamos kon sexo...)

NioX - Vokkal(Tiene dysfuncion erectil y por eso kanta feo, tambien por eso no pudo realizar su sueno de ser prostituta (tambien porke tiene el kulo guango)

PaskkaL- GuitaRRa & Vokkal (Un dia lo encontramos flotando en el inadoro y al parecer es el resultado de un aborto menstrual de una prostituta barata con diarrea.)

UnknoWn- 2* GuiTaRRa (Este bastardo fue procreado por accidente por medio del inseminacion artificial de semen de un vagabundo kon el ovario de un sasquatch. No sabemos si habla algun idioma...)

???(DRUMS) - La cosa ke toka la bateria es esa- es una cosa extraña pero ahi sta y es parte de nosotros
Influences: :GAYOGRAPHY


Evoluphilia Version Betta(2007)


Sounds Like: T-SHITS


Record Label: No ves ke somos unos pendejos sin dinero
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog


ViRginTuRtleWhoRe Lyrics:LA CUCAFACHA(InstRumental with deRanged incoheRent sounds)STICKINTHEHAYStick in the hay, Stick in the haySalamandeR, SalamandeRStick in the hay, Stick in the haySalamandeR, Sa...
Posted by on Wed, 15 Jul 2009 00:47:00 GMT