diff3r3nt thingz....{ppl, m0n3y & hav3n fun....} m3
MyHotCommentsmy dadz b day july 13,2008.... we took him outall they look so nice....ho3z.... lol....m3 n get back bitch.... lol timtimturned up... all they ass was gone
Funny facial expressions and the way he says blood. He accidently hit his little brother in the mouth with his head. Mom did take care of it for those of you who dont understand the video.
these lil bitchez is tight.... they got crabz.....m3 n my fav cuso breezy fkn baby like duhbestfriend ashth3 big homies n the back.... me n my big cuso turkeym3 n perry {[he say i b lyn]}cute pic....lol.... cute.... hott.... sexii... promdate [flashy].... mi fattnucca tim [tim tim]....n last but the cutezt [me]....pr3tty....[pr3tty]....pr3tty....m3 n my nigga dejon....turned upflashy
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Glitterfy.com - Glitter Graphicsmy Qusey....wit his fatass eatn....man ii love him so much.... ii could go to him for anythin....
rap n r&b.....n whateva goes n my likin ear...
atl,all da friday'z,& da list g03s 0n....
MyHotComments ****** <3 th3 main... n.... th3 fav....picz... <3 ******* a>Â w3 all had on dat good old grovy color... ..m3n mah family is mah comedy....
we had fun that nite...
fatass couldnt even get down {l0l}my lil brothers......
<img src="http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa275/rush2958/ tader2-2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket
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mah h03.... aka mah m0m  mah sissy..... i l0v3 th3 m0st m33h big cuhunt/ sist3r i l0v3 h3r s0 much...m33h & mah sis sp3cial k I♥MA STUSTER i l0v3 y0u h0n3y....  this my own little personal cheerleader... 4 all you haters she will get you.....