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The story of Jamie Sullivan all began when she was a mortal. All throught High School, Jmie had liked a oy, Jay Sapp. What she didn't know was he wasn't like her. He was an immortal so that kept them from ever getting into a deep relationship. They did date until they graduated. Jamie ended up becoming very sick, but she wasn't ready to die. She still anted to live. In one night he whole world did change. She became what she always longed to be but Jay was no where to be found.
Time passed by quickly and Jamie met another immortal, Jessica Reeves. They ended up becoming good friends. Jessica helped Jamie with whatever she needed. She even helped Jamie find love.
His name was Alex Cross and the moment Jamie laid eyes on him, she was in love. Alex already had two kid from previous relationships but Jamie didn't care. Alex and Jamie started dating and before they knew it, they were engaged and ready to start a family. Jamie and Alex ended up adopting little Haylie Perez who became very close to her knew parents, but bad tie were on the way.
Alex and Jamie ended up going their separate ways and not too log after, Alex passed away. It crushed Jamie but Jamie knew she had to get over him. When Alex came to lfe, so did his ex, Max. Jamie had started to move on and was dating. Jamie was glad that Alex was happy but deep down insid she was hurt. She had only had two loves her whole life and neither of them were near, or so she thought.
Years passed and Jamie ended up bumping into someone, literally. They didn't recongize eachother at first, bu Jamie knew she could never forget those eyes. It was Jay Sapp from High School. Jay and Jamie started dating and soon were engaged. Haylie didn't like her knew step father at first. She wanted her father but that could not happen. After Jay and Jamie were married, Haylie and Jay became great friends just like Jamie wanted. It seemed that Jamie would have her happy ending just like she always dreamed of.