thinkers and dreamers. pop rocks and ice cream. tulips and snow. red and yellow. freckles and birthmarks. smelling everything. EVERYTHING. asprin with sugar coating and kids falling. small letters in capitals. bowling shoes and light bulbs. oh yeah, i like volkswagens as well.
The guy who invented zippers.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
i like phat beats
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Wiz, BioDome, Ninjas, Mafia Vs. Ninja, Star wars, LOTR, Dancer in the Dark, Donnie Darko, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind, Dark Crystal, Never Ending Story, Moulin Rouge, Harry Potter, Nightmare before Christmas, Pi, The Life Aquatic, Terminator, Die Hard Trilogu, 3-iron, Old Boy, Save the Green Planet, Brazil, Debbie does your mom 2005 and beyond.
MYTH BUSTERS! Dirty Jobs with Mike Roe Heroes the office scrubs ATHF
encyclopedias, the little prince, american psycho, ikea catalogues, paradise lost, other side, golden compass, the left hand of darkness, The Dispossessed, An Ambiguous Utopia, paradise, calvin and hobbes, mutts, and couple more..
your mom