Natalie Marie profile picture

Natalie Marie

Live life to the fullest everyday for it could be your last

About Me

Well my name is Natalie or Giggles. I go to San Joaquin valley college. I am becoming a medical assistant eventually i will be a registered nurse. I love to read, thats what i tend to do most of my free time. I enjoy hanging out with my friends and mom. I am a laid back person that just goes with the flow. I am always around to listen to people when they need to vent, i am there when a friend needs a shoulder to cry on. I fight for the things in life that our important to me. I strive to be someone in life. I will not stop till I reach my goals in life. fantasy layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments
Your Birthdate: September 24
You understand people well and are a natural born therapist.
A peacemaker, people always seem to get along when you are around.
You tend to be a father or mother figure to friends, even to those older than you.
You enjoy your role, and you find that you are close to many people.
Your strength: Your devotion
Your weakness: Reliance on others for happiness
Your power color: Lilac
Your power symbol: Heart
Your power month: June What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

My Interests

I love to read, watch movies, take pictures, hang out with friends or just sit and write.

I'd like to meet:

I would be in heaven if i got to meet the memebers of Linkin Park but i will settle for the one person that could make me truly happy.
What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? Ice Tea
Color ? Green
Food ? Italian
Item of clothing ? shirt
Meal of the day ? lunch
Feature on yourself ? eyes
Quality in a guy/girl ? personality
Song ? artist in the ambulance
Musical Artist/Band ? Linkin Park
Sport ? I don't like sports
Movie ? 10th Kingdom
TV Show ? Grey's Anatomy
Radio Station ? 103.9
Type of Chocolate ? Herseys
Eye Color ? Blue
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? 6 cats and 2 dogs
Have any piercings ? 8 in my ears
Have any tatoos ? not yet after graduation
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend never
Gone skinny dipping ? thats for me to know
Been to Europe ? yes
Been to an island ? yes
Had stitches ? nope
Broken any bones ? fractured
Been stabbed/shot ? nope
Slept until after 12:00 ? many times
Stayed up all night ? several
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? no
Turned down a dare ? cant remember
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? Mike
Is the prettiest ? cant say
Is the most handsom ? couldnt chose
Is the loudest ? were all to loud
Is the craziest ? all of us
Is the most shy ? they have no shame
Is the most loving ? justine
Is the most understanding ? mike
Is the most boring ? wont say it
Is the richest ? brandon
Is the most athletic ? couldnt tell ya
Is the most cocky ? there are to many to choose from
Is the most wordly/cultured ? no clue
Do you tell everything to ? mike
Has the best clothes ?
Has the best house ? brandon
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? umm eww
Kiss someone of the same sex ? done it
Cheat on someone you love ? nope
Run away from home ? nope no reason to
Lie to your parents ? now would i say if i had?
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? for their own good
&..39;Lie to your best friend ?' no
Give a homeless person money ? yes
Run from the police ? nope
Bungee jump ? not yet
Sky dive ? not yet
Cross dress ? nope
Be an exotic dancer ? nope
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? no
Scuba dive ? not yet
Go rock climbing ? nope
Go spulunking (caving) ? no
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? peanuts
Bologna ? gross
Hott ? water
Orange ? citrus
Real world ? can sux at times
Jack ? in the box
Cucumber ? melon
Hip-Hop ? dance
Uniform ? hotties
Rainbow ? mike
Clown ? run



I listen to any kind of music but mainly rock. Some of my favorite band are Linkin park, 10 years, three days grace, paramore, thrice, tokio hotel, the used, hawthrone heights, digital summer, cascada, dht, happy hardcore, Ac/Dc, Guns and roses, bon jovi, martina mcbride, flogging molly, katty perry, queen, 3 doors down, panic at the disco, and so many more.


My Favorite movies would consist of the 10th kingdom, Pirates, Lord of the Rings, V for Vendetta, Annapolis, the magical legend of leprechauns, triston and isolde, braveheart, eurotrip, kingdom of heaven, the convanent, beerfest, she's the man, running scared, inside man, the league of extrodinary gentlemen, national treasure, failure to launch, troy, wedding crasher, time bandits, willow, laybrinth, the princess bride, batman begins, the phantom of the opera, center stage, sahara, american outlaws, tombstone, young guns, merlin, and the fast and the furious, eragon, happy feet, flushed away, urban legend, ice age, blood and chocolate, the doors, i now pronounce you chuck and larry, rent, grease,another gay movie, ironman, the golden compass,the dark knight, there are thousands of more movies that i could name.


Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy,Greek, Boy meets world, Angel,family guy,friends, sex and the city, will and grace, queer as folk and Xena.


Books lets see there are a few that i like, books by julie garwood, artemis fowl, eragon, the fairy godmother, the wee free men, the velvet series by jude deverux, nerds like it hott, eldest which is the sequal to eragon, harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban, hawksong, snakecharm, blood and chocolate, any christina dodd, moon called and blood bound, iron kissed, lori foster , rainbow boys, rainbow high, and rainow road.


my mom, military, and medical people

My Blog


so i come home from work friday and was in a great mood then my mom pulls me aside and tells me that she called my uncle less to get my grandmas phone number and finds out that she had a stroke a whil...
Posted by Natalie Marie on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 02:38:00 PST


sometimes i just feel as if i am unheard or unseen. i just feel like i dont belong here. i feel left behind in most cases. i dont get y i get this way but i do. i feel as if people dont see me half th...
Posted by Natalie Marie on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 11:40:00 PST

Natalie Marie and 1CC

"Natalie Marie And 1cc"Yeah there's a method to my madnessIf only I could find it I could make you safeSee there's a therapist trying to tell me thatyou are just a figment of my tainted brainNo, I bel...
Posted by Natalie Marie on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 01:47:00 PST