Thought I knew myself so well
All the dolls I had
Took my leather off the shelf
For a girl
Who couldn't choose
Between a shower
Or the bath...
Sadly I have to report that my true friend and constant companion of the last sixteen years recently passed away. He was my star and I miss him horribly. Sleep well, little man...
Rest in peace Roscoe: April 1991 - May 25th 2007
Roscoe: a beast of noble bearing
Never underestimate the power of The Stare
Tally. Once assaulted an armed policeman. Got away with it, but cautioned for high pitched barking with malice aforethought
My aspiration: calm and serenity
My achievement: dither and panicMy job: oh, dear
Oh, look! Here comes my salary increase!
The All About Me Survey (updated).
I Am... growing my hair into a mullet for a dare. Oh, hang on: I've done it! I have achieved mulletdom!
I Want... bright and shiny things. Oh, and world peace.
I Have... long legs and deep-seated insecurities. And a virulent germ.
I Wish... on shooting stars but most of them turn out to be satellites...
I Hate... sellotape and coat hangers and cruelty. And coughing.
I Fear... boats and hospitals and unwantedness. And germs.
I Search... for the missing sock (there's always one!). And the cure for virulent germs.
I Wonder... where they all go (and the office pens...). Come to think of it, where did the office go?
I Regret... not being assertive when it matters.
I Love... usually, what I cannot have. Apart from my dog, obviously.
I Ache... usually, as a result of the question above...
I Always... put my right shoe on first.
I Usually... dither. Unless I'm worrying. Or in a panic.
I Am Not... a number! Neither am I "jealous" or "just" a friend.
I Dance... when nobody's looking but NEVER around my handbag!
I Sing... embarrassingly badly, and I know ALL the words, in many languages!
I Never... leave the car in gear (actually I've done that twice lately).
I Rarely.... park straight. Errm... that's still true. It's weird.
I Cry... infrequently but in a heartfelt manner. It ain't pretty. That's happened a bit more often. Tsk.
I Am Not Always... late! Honest! Or to blame! Really.
I Lose... my temper with inanimate objects. And my job. Oopsie.
I'm Confused... usually. Or am I? I dunno... I might be indecisive... Unless.... no.
I Need... sleeeeeeeep! And vitamin B.
I Should... stop faffing with MySpace and go to bed. Or Facebook. Maybe not.
I'm Thinking... probably won't though!