PHOtogrAPhy, TraVEL, MaKiNg DeSSert, EatinG DESserT, HanGinG OuT, GoINg to CHurCH, ChiLLing OUt, SleEEPing, LAUGHING, Being SpOnTaNeOuS
I'd like to meet Jesus, because he's pretty cool I would also like to meet my sponsor child who lives in Ghana, West Africa- 9 year old Henry Delali Agbodenka. He sits on my desk at work and comes with me everywhere but I would like to go and visit him.
all sorts... check out the ipod... heaps of variety!!
A good thriller and an actually funny comedy (not together tho!) I am quite fussy with films- and i hate not knowing the ending!!!
TV, tricky one. A good film, late at night with a log fire going. and the news.
The Message- Eugene H Peterson. Joyce Meyer- THE SECRET POWER I really liked Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte And I wrote a 'book' (not really a book, more of an account) of my African trip which I like reading!ooh and anything by Christine Caine...... she's a leg-end!! A book called Philippians by The Apostle Paul. Particularly Chapter 4... ''12I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13I can do everything through him who gives me strength.''
Christine Caine is definitely up there Robert Fergusson... an amazing man