Definately stole this name from someone elseâ„¢ profile picture

Definately stole this name from someone elseâ„¢

and if i could swim...

About Me

Create your own Friend Quiz hereWell my name definatley is NOT Josh Lachapelle, cause that kid is WAY cooler then I. But i'll write his about me section n e ways. Josh is a fun kid, loves to laugh, loves to party, loves smiling, loves skateboarding, loves the beach, loves flirting, well just just loves to love things. Friends and family are on his love list too, but that should go without being said. [ok no more 3rd person shit]. I dont believe there is just one person out there for someone else. I hate how the world revolves around money, and if i were to rule the world we'd be backa to the barter system and i would be selling my body for Bacon Double Cheeseburgers. I dont back down when i know im right, but if an argument gets stupid then i simply leave for the sake of all that is holy. Which is another thing, i dont believe in religion, i feel it is a crutch to those who are too weak to deal with their own problems themselves. I like to help people with problems, cause when the time comes i would hope they would help me out to. Dont ask me to play pong against you if u wanna win.. its simple. Other then that there isnt much to say. My screenname is at the bottom of this section, if u are a 15 year old girl that is trying to hook up with me, i will make you look stupid and post it in a bulletin... so dont bother (unless u are Hannah Montana).

Name: Josh
Down to Earth People
The Beach
Hangin Out
Playing Pop-up ad Games
Nice People
Giving Bums Money
Skateboarding Again..
Guitar Hero
Taking the Bus
Free.. anything
Educated Debates
The way new things smell (clothes, car interior, etc)
The Mall
Making people laugh
The View from being up REALLY HIGH
Flashbacks when you listen to music
Cotton Candy Flavored Popscicles
Pong, and shit talking while playing
NOT puking when im hammered
Actually being able to fall asleep
Mean People
Overly Emo Kids
Posers (anyone who cant be themselves)
Cheesey Fingers
Matt (Philly)
Judgemental Douchebags
When people move away
Bad Music
Waiting for a phone call
"poor me poor me, feel bad for me" people
Having one line of a song Stuck in you head
Girls that ask to put makeup on me
Working super long shifts
When things don't work
People who *try* to Upstage everyone
The word boo..
My dog Nina
Cell phones
Anyone that hasnt read all of this
Breakups... =/
-=Other Random Shit=-
Im Realistic, if that bothers you, sorry.
Statisticly, I will die at age 64
Im 68% Gentleman
If I Was Born in 2893,
My Name Would Be: Isu Ayn
And and I Would Be: The Future's Last Hope

My life is worth $1,015,000 (wow)
Im a Scorpio (87% stereotypicly)
If I were candy, id be a Tootsie Pop
I Change atleast 1 thing on my Myspace daily
Im 75% Perfectionist.
Im a natural flirt.. half the time i don't realize im flirting cause im just that good at it.
Im an extremely confident person, dont mistake it for me being ignorant and cocky.. cause im not.
One day I plan to rule Mercury.
Ill make an effort with girls.. but if they wanna play games... i dont play back
I invented the idea for rocket-powered roller-skates way before jackass
SN: Blacklabel1025

My Interests

Skating! (again)
7 Wonders of the World
Crop Circles? they just look cool
The Entire Thinking Process
Creationism vs. Evolution
Anything that makes me think really..
Coins, I collect them


I like lots of music. Would take me forever to list it all, but my favorites would include:

Against Me
Rise Against
AFI (older stuff)
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Say Anything
And I love random Rap songs...


Remember the Titans
Reservoir Dogs
Boondock Saints
SLC Punk
Dirty Work
Resident Evil
Sin City
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Underworld 1 & 2
Bourne Identity
Black Knight
Red Dragon
Usual Suspects
SGT Pepper's Lonely Hearts Music Club
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


Colbert Report!
Adult Swim
Family Guy
That 70's Show
South Park
Myth Busters
History Channel
Discovery Channel
VH1's Top 100
Daily Show


I was an avid Bernstein Bears and Clifford fan in my young ages


*Steve Colbert*
Rodney Mullen
Myles a.k.a M.D. Styles
Weird Al
Whatever person who holds the record for longest pee..

My Blog


READ THIS IF BORN BEFORE 1995! YOU'LL LOVE ITBody: Anybody under the age of 13 should not read this, and if you do, you should not repost this. Just because you were born in '97 doesn't mean you're a ...
Posted by Josh Lachapelle [we're conspiring] on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 09:56:00 PST

read it... all of it

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have big...
Posted by Josh Lachapelle [we're conspiring] on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 05:28:00 PST