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Matt Fleming

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Member Since: 24/07/2006
Band Website: This is it
Band Members: Matt Fleming Technician/Engineer: Music project coordinatorMatt has been involved in music from the age of 13 and played guitar and lead vocals in various rock and punk bands. Matt went on to study a degree in commercial music and constructed a small home studio in which he created his own music and recorded various bands for his degree. In 2007/2008 Matt produced, recorded and self released two E.P’s under the name ‘Uno-Mot’. Matt has recently setup live sound promotions company and puts on events around the local area. Matt has also engineered at events that featured bands such as dirty pretty things and get cape wear cape flyKey Skills:• Recording and mixing live bands • Producing ambient and pop • Guitarist • Artist Promotion • Music technician • Artist DevelopmentKarl Drummond Artist/ Producer : Youth WorkerKarl has been in evolved in music since the age of 9 and now is 25 actively working in the music industry he is known as Fresharda and is singed to a independent record label called Big and Bashy RecordsKey Skills:• Producing Reggae Dancehall, R n B , Hip-hop, Grime • Vocal coaching and voice techniques when recording • Record label advise • Sponsorship • Artist development • Song writingPatrick Harrison Film-maker/Editor : Video CoordinatorPatrick Graduated last year with a BA hons in Video Production. He works mainly as a video editor and has worked on a wide rang of projects from corporate and promotional videos to dramas, documentaries & music videos. Patrick is also experienced in the world of graphic design and promotions. And is currently developing his company image.Key Skills:• Editing Skills • Filming Techniques • Script writing Strategies • DVD authoring • Promotional design.
Influences: Lots
Type of Label: Major

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