Music,Drums,Hiking,Travel,Culture, DiscGolf, being an observer,cooking. in no certain order
Ignatius J. Reilly
Culta Fatima, aZwethinkweiZ,Geoff Turner,Mongo Slade, Aquarium Rescue Unit,Galactic,Marcus Eaton,Ween,Yolk,Women,Upstate Escape,Zappa,Ani,Pulse Ultra,Jigawattica,Jimi,SRV,Maceo Parker,Push Stars,311,Primus,Sausage,Tenacious D,Rush,The Police,
Pick of Destiny, Momento, Super Troopers, Big Lebowski, The Changeling, Strange Brew, The Lost Boys,A Clockwork Orange,The Goonies, Harold and Kuuuumar Go to White Castle,
Lost, Family Guy, South Park, Sienfeld, King of Queens, Anything on Science, Discovery ect
The Alchemist, The Wild Trees, The good Earth, The Real Frank Zappa, The Devil and Miss Prym, Anything by Tom Robbins, A Confederacy of Dunces,The White Castle
Ignatius J. Reilly, Aqua Man