There are so many people in my life i love to bits
a handful of them are extra special
They really are something sweet
I couldn't live without my wifeys.They really are the most beautiful fab wifeys i could ask for and i miss them more than anything.We had such great sex and nothing and nobody could ever replace them.
This gal is the most fantabulous i know.Shes always smiling,always looking beautiful and always so good to gossip with!Shes always been there for me to talk to,and our lovely msn chats gossipying are just fab..couldnt live without it.So glad we got closer and i got to know u so well,love you with my heart ?
Sucha laugh to be with and we have had SO many fun times together,and memories i will never forget.We have such good talks together..whether we're laughing over something stoopid or crying together,im just happy talking and being with you.We've had such great giggles,our little trips out pointing at all the hawt guys,going over and talking to randoms,and just generaly being gay..were the best i could ask you smailey ?