SkeetHouse Records
T.N.T. T.T.SSkeetHouse Records was started October 14, 2005 following the tragic death of Marquist McCray also known as "Skeet". Skeet's closest friends and cousin Teezy B decided to do something in honor and remembrance of him, so they began to make music. Starting with just a computer and a microphone, T.N.T released their first c.d. and received much popularity and love from the city of Shreveport. The group consists of "Roy", "Monster Tee", "Teezy B.", and "De". From the streets of the Cooper Road to Motown, the four have traveled every avenue and visited all walks of life. From hood dreams to college hopes, they have been together practically their entire lives making music and reaching local fans. All lyrics and beats are original and come from the hearts and minds of the artists..... It is now their time to blow....