Go BoOsT Or Go hOmE!.\J&S/ profile picture

Go BoOsT Or Go hOmE!.\J&S/

He IS the LIGHT of LIFE. IF WE FOLLOW it we will NEVER live in DARKNESS..

About Me

Name: Joe School: Goleman Age:17 DOB:11.30.89 Statuz: "TAKEN" LIFE: Baseball. Cars. MOney. Stepanie. PArents. God Idles: Roger Clemens.Curt Schilling.Nolan RYan.BEn Sheets. My dad. ROBERT PALENCIA. MYSELF Hobbies: Atv's, Jetskiz, Car's, RACING, ComEdiAn Car: SRT-4 =) 3 Quotes: "Today's ur day, BUt tomorrow is MINE.", " Tomorrow isnt PROMISED". " There's two Roads, ITs ur CHoice To PIck ONe, U choose the path u want to walk through" ..: GATORZACE3 MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

My Role MOdle. My Other Father. N my Older Bro. The mAn i look ^ 2. MLB's NXt Hall of FAMER! Love u My nigga..I'll Take Ur words N DO SOMETHING REAL BIG WIT EM!

I'd like to meet:

Already Met Her. ___*Im taken*___ by some1 who i least expected to be my TRUE love, some1 who has never done me wrong, and has never left my side n always been that sum1 i could run 2 when i needed anything. Until one day i notice that _She_ belonged to me n to noBODY else. I appriciate everything that she has done for me n i cherish n adore her, shes a gift from the man UPSTAIRS, And he made her unique for me , theres something that she has that i have yet been able to find in her, its a type of feeling that she gives me that i cant express because i dont know wut it is, but hopefully i will find out one day. I love her. I will die for her,n it took me till not to long ago to realize that i dont care wtf ppl gotta say bout me or her because as long as i still have her by myside.. IM GOING TO BE THE HAPPIEST GUY ALIVE. Shes the one. The one i want to walk side by side. Down that Ile. the ile of love, life, n the ile of the begginin of OUR NEW LIFE... I could keep on writin for days but ima stop cuz...yeh..o n this grl Is STEPHANIE Suarez COTO.. I love u babe 11.27.06.


Rap Shit!


Racing,Comedy or Scary


ESPN! South Park!




Myself, God, My Dad, Mom, My bro.IN.law, my WIFE. n my bro Robert. They All my motivation on LIVIN ma' life

My Blog

To My Brotha George. I LuV u My niGgA."iLL NeVa 4 Get"

George Miranda,  who once went by the name as KiNg LoKo..Manito Bro ull neva be forgotten dawg n for all the things we learnd bout THE "LIGHT" it made us who i we were today, it was ur time to go...
Posted by Go BoOsT Or Go hOmE!.\J&S/ on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 03:13:00 PST