Someone with intelligence that I can debate with....I'm so tired of these fake people around me who have nothing to talk about.....someone that will stay up late at night and watch senseless television shows with me......someone that will call me up in the middle of the day when they know I won't answer my phone and leave me a voicemail just because they were thinking of me.....someone that makes me smile, just by seeing their face, no matter how many things in the world are bad or wrong....someone that's not afraid of love, no matter how hard it may get.....someone that will cook for me....someone that will wake me up to make sure that I get to where I need to be on time....someone that loves all my quirks no matter what anyone else thinks..........someone that accepts me for who I am.......someone that thinks I'm beautiful.....someone that will wake me up in the middle of the night to have sex even though we both have to be up at 6 am......someone that likes popsicles as much as I do.....someone that can laugh at anything, no matter what........someone that can play guitar and is willing to teach me.........someone that wants something out of life.......someone that would go skydiving with me........someone that thinks I will be a good mother.........someone that will kiss my tears away.....someone that will watch baseball with me..........someone that will hold my hand when I decide to get my first tattoo........someone that will make each day better just by the fact that they are in it.......someone that will love my family......someone that will love me........someone that's honest......someone that's willing to get shitfaced with me and hold my hair back when I've had too much.....someone that will put up with me singing along to the radio in the car......someone that understands my penchant for sex in public.......someone that will appreciate my diverse taste in music....someone that will go to the club with me......someone that will just stop and kiss me for no reason....someone not afraid to hold hands.....someone willing to catch me if I fall........someone that's not afraid of a relationship...........someone that's not afraid to get hurt............someone willing to play in the rain with me........someone that will make me laugh when I'm down........someone that loves fireworks........someone that will eat Wheat Thins with me.......someone that will teach me how to cook......someone that will protect me......someone to fall asleep with.........someone that will push me on the swings.......someone that will take walks with me at midnight......someone that loves the sound of my laugh......