Karo im Wunderland profile picture

Karo im Wunderland

Until we die we stay kids

About Me

You want to shut me up,
I won't be living in your shadow.

Everyone here probably had that feeling before, people trying to shut you up, even friends sometimes.
Well, lately i've been feeling like this.
We should be able to express ourselves however we want.
And we should never give up.
hui bui... na nu!
Erstens kommt es anders, zweitens als man denkt und drittens es passiert immer dann, wenn man überhaupt nicht damit rechnet.
Zum Glück
habe ich jemanden getroffen
habe ich ihn angeschaut
habe ich an diesen Menschen festgehalten
ohne Ahnung
ohne Wissen
was passieren kann...
Es ist schwer...
in Worten Gefühle wiederzulegen, die unbeschreiblich sind
Ich könnte die ganze Erde umarmen,
jeden Menschen, jedes Tier
einfach nur durch die Gegend rennen und schreien
wie toll das Leben sein kann
Ich könnte jedes Liebeslied mitsingen, auch wenn noch so schnulzig ist
und vor Freude nur noch losheulen
und sogar 13 Purzelbäume hintereinander schlagen
das ich so Glück habe
dich getroffen zu haben.
Unser erster Abend zusammen werde ich wohl nie vergessen...
Ich wäre mit dir wohl noch die ganze Nacht durch Leipzig gelaufen, denn da war eine Unruhe in mir, die mir immer zuflüsterte; "Lass ihn nicht einfach gehen" Es war ein komisches Gefühl, was ich vorher kaum kannte...
So fühlte und fühle ich mich von unseren ersten gekreuzten Blicken, Berührungen und Küssen an sehr wohl.
Da ist keine Angst, keine Befürchtung, die mir hinterlistig durch mein Herz und meinen Körper kriecht.
Es ist einfach nur toll bei dir zu sein, deine Hände zu halten, dir in die Augen zu schauen und dich zu küssen.
Ich glaube, dass du mich wirklich akzeptierst, so wie ich bin, auch wenn ich wohl sehr durchgeknallt bin und einen kleinen Knacks habe, lächelst du, wenn ich Dinge sage und tue, die einfach total "strange" sind.
Du gibst mir sehr viel Wärme, so viel habe ich noch nie bekommen von einen Menschen.
Auch wenn dies erst der Anfang ist, hoffe ich das ich gaaaaaaaaanz lange noch "hui bui" zu dir sagen kann, dir durch deine Haare wuscheln kann, dir über die Wange streicheln kann, deine Polo Shirts klauen und anziehen kann und dich küssen kann.
Einfach immer zu wissen, das ich in deinem und du in meinem Herzen bist.
So ich muss jetz mal was loswerden, was alle meine Freunde lesen dürfen...
Ich habe echt wundertolle Freunde, also jetzt mal wirlich! Für mich sind es die besten die man haben kann.
Ich bemerke, das schon alleine, das es nie irgendwelche Zickereinen gibt, niemand spannt irgendjemand den Freund oder Freundin aus, soetwas gibt es einfach bei uns nicht, zudem wird nicht hinter den Rücken dumm gelästert.
Ich habe echt Glück euch zu kennen und zu lieben.
Ihr seid für mich die Besten und ich will keine anderen, denn es gibt für mich keine Besseren, auch wenn das arrogant klingt,ist es für mich so und ich stehe immer hinter euch, so wie auch ihr hinter mir steht.
man ihr seid voll toll, danke das ihr mich akzeptiert, so wie ich bin und das ihr mich unterstützt.
So das musste mal gesagt werden.
Hab euch sehr lüüüb!!!
our drunk drive lol
Was man alles vom Bullen revier machen kann XD
„Hey don’t worry you should enjoy your life, because your longer dead than alive.“ by Lisa
Lisa… she is indescribable, extraordinary and a real rebel! We know us since a half year, although that is a short time we have a special relationship.
‘Cause we have a very open minded friendship.
When you start to know her you can see a wild girl with many power which she gives to many people and especially to me.
Well, when we meet each other we make a lot of weird things and we have a lot of fun.
So it could be that we drive through the streets with eye-catching clothes,
a lot of eat and when we pass people then we scream “love, peace and harmony” or other weird things.
Yeah and the people look at us in a strange way, but it makes fun and we don’t care.
I can’t write what happens when were together,
but it’s very special, huge and unusual, that we often get some extremely fit of laughter.
Well you should see what we do, because it’s impossible to choose the words for it.
In these situation I don’t care what people think about us, then I forget the real world, really.
She dosn’t hide out in a scene, because she is herself and very special, that she could never be in a scene.
She said that we are soul mates and I think that’s real and in a while it will be more and more, our realitionship is going to be so huge
...Wow that makes speechless.
We will have an exhibition toghether that will be very amazing.
Well seeing her happy makes me just feeling way happier.
So I could write more and more without an end.
Lisa you mean very much to me, thank you for the great time with you we had and will have.
You make me so strong and give me so much power.
Damn I love you!
Hi I'm Karolin a person who is still a child and very random. ;-)
I'm very sensitive and emotional, but at the same time very funny.
When I meet my friends I'm very hyper and do weird things, but that makes fun yeah!
I laugh and cry and I'm loud.
There is no limit to my ambition, so I want to study art and I do everything for it in a strong way.
So I don't dream only, I want to make my dreams come truth.
My friends are the most important in my life.
There isn't a thing I need more than my little lovely family.
But I have a huge fear of losing my friends.
So I try to help and to support them as well as I can.
A song wich speaks from my soul:
( LostAlone - Unleash the Sands of all Time)

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My Interests

drawing and reading mangas and comics, playing guitar and keyboard, music, taking photos, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, writing and design

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet my friends who had to pull far away.
I miss you very much and it hurts that you are not here!
So Jonny, Nikolai, Katja, Christoph and Flori it..s very hard for me that you..re not here.
When a friend have to pull far away I feel everytime very depressed, that makes me sick!
So I hope that I can visit you the next time, because you are a piece from my life and I just lost too much of you!

And of cause my friends who lives far away on the big earth. Ai-chan, Caro, Korou-chan, Sam and Eddy I hope I will get the chance to visit you! ;-)


Victoria Frances


30 seconds to mars
Anti Flag
Arctic Monkeys
Billy Talent
Bring me the Horizon
Die Aerzte
Die toten Hosen
Die Tornados
Endless Hallway
Funeral for a friend
Funny Farm
Farin Urlaub
Green Day

Head Automatica
Iggy Pop
Mad Sin
My Passion
my chemical romance
Murder city devils
Neils Children
Nouvelle Vague
Nova International
Panic! At the disco
run time error
Silent Poem
Simple Plan
Sugarplum Fairy
Taking back Sunday
The Used
The Unseen
This day will burn
The Blackout
The Beatles
The Clash
The Cranberries
The Frustrators
The Horrors
The Kooks
The Hives
The Inchtabokatables
The Living End
The Offspring
The Strokes
The Sounds
The Subways
The Soviettes
The White Stripes
The Vaders
The Boss Hoss

Everytime when I listen to Ramones I'd like to dance and
I just have to sing loudly along.




Pippi Langstrumpf
She does what ever she wants to do.
That's all beeing a kid, isn't it about?
She loves freedom and that's just amazing.
Green Day
Thanks for changing my life!
Before I know something about them I was a person, who was just regular.
I was a member of the big gray crowd. People angry me and I didn't do something against it.
Cause I had no self - assured.
I was just a quietly person, who hadn't an own opinion. In order that I didn't disagree the company.
But my life have been changed, because of them.

These guys are very great! I love their music, it’s the best on earth. It comes from the heart and touchs me very deeply. I like the lyrics and the melodies which hangs a long time in the ear.
It just sounds amazing and especially Steven's voice it's so huge it's unbelievable, it's powerful, it's lovely... it's just inimitable. I met them twice and they are very easy to talk to. They are very nice and Mark helped me in a difficult situation. ;-) So I will see them again and again. I wish them all the best for their career and I'm sure that their are going to be huge. And by the way...
they AREN'T EMO!!!
When I feel weak I listen to their music to get power, NOT to be more sad.
Their music is full of feelings which flows into my body and then I began to smile and to be stronger.
So Steven, Mark and Tom you mean very much to me.
Thank you so much that you come to Dresden.
and of cause my brother :o)
He's this kind of best brother I just can have!
We have never been fallen in an argument!
He supports me very much and he has the greatest humor on earth. He takes me as I am and he makes his dreams comes truth. He is indescribable and he makes me extremly lucky. So he is the most important person in my life!

My Blog

words words words

Grauer FleckIch sitze hier und schaue aus dem Fensterbeobachte die Welt, doch eigentlich bin ich ganz wo anders, nicht hierverfallen und eingeschlafen in meinen TagträumenIch will nichts machen, keine...
Posted by Karo im Wunderland on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 09:14:00 PST

Art attack (new pics AGAIN!)

Art is freedom!And I love to draw and to put my feelings and my thoughts in it.You haven´t any rulez and borders in art, so you can draw what ever you like and that's great.I'd like to do something ab...
Posted by Karo im Wunderland on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 04:10:00 PST


I was in England! And I had a really great time there. Well, I envy the people, wich live in England. I went by plane and I was so nervously... But when the plane started I felt lucky, because my mind...
Posted by Karo im Wunderland on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 04:00:00 PST

Back to future

The Back to future is an open air festival, where many bands rocked...let´s fetz Peggy Therese Frances and Rebecca!!! hui Marcus with spikes ^^Caught!Timis new hair style!let´s rock!!!!Linda and Andr'...
Posted by Karo im Wunderland on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 12:18:00 PST

camping in Senftenberg

The Friday sun bears down again As we drive with our friends And on these longest days we spend All the time trying to pretend That our stories could be true Our chance to be cool Th...
Posted by Karo im Wunderland on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 02:47:00 PST