Erik's Animal profile picture

Erik's Animal

About Me

I just put up 2 new songs that never got finished - but I lik'em that way.HONEY AND SETH was cut in one take - live with hissy room noise and everything. It's also very serious (for me). My friends think its perty - and I guess I do too.LET YOURSELF GO is another gem, mined from a 4-track recording of a seriously out of tune grand piano. This is an alternate take recorded during the same session for Hippie Cream's 'Let Yourself Go', and 'Sweet Jalopy' (In Your Ear, 2007). Nothing but bad piano, toy drums, and a yelling guy.

My Interests


Member Since: 16/02/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Me and some other guys.
Influences: These are some of my best buddies. They are fine musicians and always up for a gay old time. Check out their pages.Emerald Cocktail Cream's Cross
Sounds Like: You tell me...
Record Label: Oxen Media
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Please take a moment to check out a great website called oxenmediastudios.comThere is free music by a fantastic group of handsome musicians like Hippie Cream, Dan Blackett, Emerald Cocktail, and whate...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Feb 2009 21:09:00 GMT


Its a good day in Eriks Animal Land.Eriks Animal has received 2 nominations for MAVRIC's 2008 awards.MAVRIC is a Ventura county non-profit org, set up to promote Ventura County musicians.the nominatio...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Nov 2008 08:01:00 GMT

...and a Bottle of Sake"

Well well well...We finally finished an album that I still liked liked upon completion.It 's very flawed, yet loose and inspired -- it was recorded and mixed quick.I'm in the process of getting it pac...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 19:32:00 GMT

Digitally Mastered Daddy

I couldn't help myself.... I just did a master on an oldy.... This song was recorded in 1997 (the golden age of white hip hop), with my buddies in San Luis Obispo.  My buddies are Nate, Brian, Mi...
Posted by on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 19:28:00 GMT