Miss Independent profile picture

Miss Independent

I am here for Friends

About Me

I am an I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T women! I do not like to depend on no man or any other person for that matter. I believe if your old enough to lay down in bed to make a baby or babies then your old enough to take care of your own responsibilities. I believe in putting others before yourself, I do not like selfish people. My two boys are my life and I will do anything for them (like any mother should). I did work two jobs before to take care of my family and you better damn believe it I will do it again if I had to. I'm a good friend even though some may think I'm not. I hardly have time to spend anytime with them because I put my family and my job before them. I'm always there if they need to talk with me on the phone or a shoulder to cry on. I can't give my friends 100% of my attention even though I wish I could. My parents and my sister has and always will be here for me and vise versa. The same goes for my boyfriend (of 12yrs) and his family. I truly believe in the famous quotes "Good things comes to those who wait" and "Everything happens for a reason". I am sensitive and shy (at times) I have a kind heart but you better believe I can be a bitch at times. I cry when I am hurt and I cry when others are hurt. I am happy when things are going the way they should and I am happy for others. God has given me a heart of gold for a reason and I plan on using it the right way! tennaya layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments

My Interests

I love tatoos, I have two myself. I have a cross in the middle of my lower back and winnie the pooh on my lower right ankle and yes I would love some more. I love motorcycles and crotchrockets. I always rode on the back but I would love to know how to drive one. I like body pierceing. My tongue is pierced and of course my ears. I want my nose and one of my eyebrows done. I love scrapbooking, riding bikes and camping. I recently started writing poems again after 10yrs. I find it very relaxing. I especially love spending time with my family.

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Edited at LunaPic.com

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet Sylvia Brown. There is so many unexplainable things that happened to me and my family that I would like to know more about.

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I like to listen to all types of music like rap, R&B, Country, rock, alternative, metal (some) and even oldies.

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Edited at LunaPic.com


I love all the Disney Movies, of course I do because I have kids. I also enjoy watching, Comedy, Action and Romance movies. I do not like horror movies, I hate getting the shit scared out of me. LOL!

Edited at LunaPic.com

Edited at LunaPic.com


Where do I begin....Dancing with the stars, Scrubs, King of Queens, Sylvia Brown on Montel Williams, Maury, Oprah, Ghost Wisphers, Law & order (all of them), CSI(all of them), Girlfriends, The Game, UFC, One Tree Hill and can't leave out America's next top model.


All books by Sylvia Brown and David Pelzer .


My Hero's would have to be my parents and my sisters. Growing up my parents may had struggled with bills and all that but they always got us four girls what we needed, they always found away. My parents always have been and always will be easy to talk with. I can tell them anything. My sisters are never scared to speak their mind. They always say "Beth grow some balls" and "don't let people walk all over you". My sisters are strongwilled and bold!!!

My Blog

The Evening You Had Died

                             The Evening You Had Died Did you know you w...
Posted by Miss Independent on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 08:09:00 PST

Letting some steam off

I guess this is me letting off some steam instead of blowing up at people. Do you have them family members that picks on you for what ever you do? Well I do!! This past weekend I seen some family and ...
Posted by Miss Independent on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 07:07:00 PST

Thank You, God

Dear God,  I wanted to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart. The life you given me, my life from the start. My two loving parents, who I always wanted to be. Mother will do anything and my ...
Posted by Miss Independent on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 08:02:00 PST


To all mommies....  Did you ever just sit and think about how amazing your child or children are?  The things they say and the things they do are just amazing. I think about my two boys all ...
Posted by Miss Independent on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 06:21:00 PST

Pennies From Heaven

 Here's my first poem I written  in ten years! Let me know what you think!                     &...
Posted by Miss Independent on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 09:12:00 PST

My Feelings!

I'm one of those mothers who thinks they can handle anything and everything that gets thrown my way. I take care of the kids before and after work. I clean the house everyday, do laundry, cook di...
Posted by Miss Independent on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 07:52:00 PST

One Year, Already?

 One year ago today (August 28) my brother-in-law Matt Deel passed away from a brain anurysm. I still can't believe  till this day that he is not here with us. I can still picture his shit e...
Posted by Miss Independent on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 08:37:00 PST

Not again!

Not Again!  Well on February 28, 2007 my boyfriend's Aunt Irene past away. Boy oh boy what a great women she was. She was and still is loved by many many people. We all new she was going to be wi...
Posted by Miss Independent on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 04:25:00 PST

Already been 5months?

 Exactly five months ago today I lost my brother-in-law    Matt. Boy how did these months go bye so fast?  He is missed so much! My family and I talk about him so much li...
Posted by Miss Independent on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 04:36:00 PST

"you'll be missed, Matt Deel"

I recently losted my 32yr old brother-in-law to a brain aneurysm almost two weeks ago. You never think that nothing bad will happen to you or your loved ones until it does. Boy did this open up my eye...
Posted by Miss Independent on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 02:22:00 PST