My name is Kaine Gibson.
I play guitar in the band Amuse.
We WILL be famous one day.
I like to play guitar in Amuse.
I like punk rock music and punk rock things.
My favorite band of all time is and always will be Blink 182.
I love the Chicago White Sox, thats my team!
I really like my dog Kwincy, even though he has a very gay name for a dog.
I love dogs.
I am all about dogs.
Amuse dogs if you will.
I also have another dog, Krede.
She is old and fat, but nice.
My aim is: Atticuskg182
My msn is:
[email protected]
Add me, we can have cyber-sex hahahahaha. jk.
 I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (