*The Ultimate About Me Survey*:
Name: Jourdan
DOB: St. Patrick's Day (Mar. 17th, 1990)
Birthplace: Ft. Lauderdale, Flordia
Current location: Galesburg, Illinois
Eye color: Grey
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'5"
Heritage: Irish and German
Piercings: Gauged ears...used to have lip...more to come
Tattoos: One...more to come
Band/Singer: Too many to list...Seether or Theory of a Dead Man...Caprice or Silence Before Suicide
Song: Broken~Seether ft. Amy Lee of Evanescence
Genre of Music: Rock
Color(s): Black, Green, Purple, Red, and Pink
TV show(s): I hate television...It's a device used for capitolistic profit and brainwashing of innocent minds for absolute control
Movie(s): Rock Horror Picture Show...American Beauty....Clock Work Orange...American History X...Nightmare Before Christmas...and tons others
Food: Anything NOT american
Store: I hate shopping
#: 3, 5, 7, 13, 23, 69, 420
Drink: Non-alcholic: Pepsi Cherry...Alcholic: BEER or fruity mixed drinks...I'm a chick what can I say
Clothing Brand: I don't really care as long as I can alter it to my liking
Shoe Brand: Converse
Animal: Rat, Frog, or Tiger
Pizza topping: Mushrooms
Season: Spring
Month: Aprilish May
Holiday: Samhain (Pegan equal to Christian Halloween)
Flower: Pink Rose
This or That:
Sunny or rainy: Rainy
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Night
Sour or sweet: Sour
Love or money: Love
Phone or in person: In Person
Poor & happy or rich & miserable: Poor and Happy....and I am
Looks or personality: Personality but looks have a lot to do with it too
Coffee or tea: Tea
Hot or cold: Warm...not too hot and not to cold
Goal for this year: Stop smoking
Most missed memory: The good ol' times with my momma out in the garden smokin'
Best physical feature: Eyes
First thought waking up: Damn! Fuckin' sun!
Do you wanna get married: Some day...no time soon
Do you wanna have kids: Not for a long fuckin' time
If so, how many: 2 or 3...no more then 3
Do you wanna go to college: Been there done that...FUCK IT
What do you want to be: I don't know
Do You:
Dance in the rain: Yes
Smoke: Cigarettes: Yes...Weed: It's a religious enlightenment
Drink: Yes
Shower daily: I try...some times it don't happen
Like thunderstorms: Fuckin' love them
Curse: I could make a trucker blush
Sing: Like a dying cat
Play an instrument: Do banging on pots and pans count?
Think you are good looking: Damn Straight
Get along with your parents: My momma is my best friend but between my dad and me there's very little of a relationship
Other Questions:
Can you whistle: Hardly
Right or left handed: Both
Your bedtime: When ever I crash...usually around 4 am
Biggest fear: My fears are pathetic...
3 things you can't live without: Weed...Sex...Music
Color of your room: Red
Siblings: One younger sister
Middle name: Katherine
Pets: 1 dog...2 cats...3 fish...soon to be adding a rat and possibly another dog
Nicknames: Jaemyss
For or against gay marriage: For it! GAY PRIDE BITCHES!!!!
Thoughts on abortion: What ever...
If you could be anywhere right now where would you be: In the arms of Trey
Do you wear contacts/glasses: Contacts
Are you afraid of the dark: Nope
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