frannces. profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Frannces
My biggest ambition is to save the world. My perfect day would be swinging at the beach with a caramel frappucino in one hand and my iPod in the other. Music is very important to me, so are friends and family. I'm a big procrastinator. I am terrible at making decisions. I love compliments. I like arguing but mostly, I like winning. I'm kind of conceited, and can be very rude. I hope to become a vegetarian again. I love animals and we have many: 5 cats, 7 ferrets, 3 turtles, 4 fish, 2 guinea pigs, 3 bunnies, and 2 little sisters. For now I attend Peoria Accelerated High School.

CLiiCk HeRe tO CoMmEnt..! :>

My Interests

I love: Atticus && Ayden lime green Spiderman Starbucks && Monster skateboarding The Phoenix Suns Hooters mashed potatoes && french fries music && my iPod crayons horror movies video games Boca soy burgers ice cream hugs Criminal Minds flirting shooting guns


Hero is kinda strong.
More like the people I look up to && respect greatly.