Summer profile picture


Holy Shit you're short!!!

About Me

Ah, the joys of nursing school! Enough said on that subject. Life has been pretty good to me lately. Will be headed up north once I am finished with my degree. A change of scenery from NC to VA will be nice and much anticipated. Other than that, not much to say about me, really.

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My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

I don't really care. I have met people from all walks of the world so no matter how strange you may think you are, I have stories. I am an odd duck myself :p


The 80's, hard rock, classical, some country, some pop. Love classic rock, oldies (50's and 60's) I could sit here and type every band/singer that I love but it would take forever.


donnie darko, gia, adam sandler movies except punch drunk love., Jaws, love scary movies, comedies, the infamous Love Story, the only tear jerker I really liked. Oh and most recent is Requiem-freaky, I'm showing my future kids that movie. Can't forget Pride and Prejudice. Mr. Darcy!!!


Grey's Anatomy, House, Boston Legal, History Channel, Family Guy, CSI, Law and Order shows, and Lost. Ok, so now that I have DVR I can add a few to my list: Heroes, Ugly Betty, Brothers&Sisters, DHW's,...I have more but now I can't think of them. Oh, Colbert Report, Drawn Together, Battle Star Galactica (thanks to my husband).


the classics I never appreciated in HS such as Cannary Row, Catcher in the Rye, Lord of the Flies, and then a little Anne Rice on the side. Love the Lord of the Rings books. Not big on fantasy but I loved it. Oddesey and Illiad by Homer, Illiad wasn't as good. Slaughter House 5 Catch 22, but that was really hard to get into. Kinda flighty. But still good. Crazy!


My Grandpa, he taught me the finer things in life-how to spit, cuss and build my house, along with charming social skills, and how to shake someones hand like a man. And when the weather looks bad, go home and sleep. I miss him so terribly much!!!! I think about him constantly and wish I could get his insight and praise. He was and will forever remain number one on my list! (7/7/26-6/23/07)