WHERE 2 START?!? OK, OK... I GOT IT....MY PHILOSOPHY ON LIFE (WHEN IT COMES 2 MEETING NEW PEOPLE) ALWAYS BE OPEN TO MEETING NEW PEOPLE, BECAUSE THEY ALWAYS TEACH OR SHOW U 2 THINGS...AND I DO MEAN ALWAYS. THEY TEACH U OR SHOW U CHARACTERISTICS THAT U LIKE IN A FRIEND OR FUTURE MATE OR WHAT U DON'T LIKE IN A FRIEND OR FUTURE MATE....THINK ABOUT IT.... BUT ABOUT ME I am a distingished gentleman and proud "Made Man" As well as being an active student at DePaul University, I have served as the President & External Vice-President of DePaul Multicultural Greek Council and have an active role in the Black Student Union. I am an achiever and can overcome anything.